* Fix undefined arg bug in url_for.
* Fixed bug with url_for not working properly outside of a request when
sub-domains are active. Thanks Pavel Skvazh.
* Add non-minimization option to Routes and the Mapper for generation and
* Add Routes 2.0 style syntax for making routes and regexp. For example, this
route will now work: '{controller}/{action}/{id}'.
* Fixed Routes to not use quote_plus when making URL's.
* WARNING: Mapper now comes with hardcode_names set to True by default. This
means routes generated by name must work for the URL.
* Actually respect having urlcache disabled.
* WARNING: Calling url_for with a set of args that returns None now throws an
exception. Code that previously checked to see if a url could be made must
be updated accordingly.
* Updated url_for to return url in a literal for use in templating that may
try to escape it again.
* Added option to use X_FORWARDED_PROTO for proxying behind https to work
* Fixed map.resource to be less restrictive on id than just spaces.
* Fixed Mapper.create_regs not being thread safe, particularly when