
Latest version: v2.5.1

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Scan your dependencies

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* Fixed qualified keyword to keep host port names when used, unless a host
is specifically passed in. Reported by Jon Rosebaugh.
* Added qualified keyword option to url_for to have it generate a full
URL. Resolves 29.
* Fixed examples in url_for doc strings so they'll be accurate.


* Fixed bug with escaping part names in the regular expression, reported by
James Taylor.


* Significant updates to map.resource and unit tests that comb it thoroughly
to ensure its creating all the proper routes (it now is). Increased unit
testing coverage to 95%.
* Added unit tests to ensure controller_scan works properly with nested
controller files and appropriately scans the directory structure. This
brings the Routes util module up to full code coverage.
* Fixed url_for so that when the protocol is changed, port information is
removed from the host.
* Added more thorough testing to _RequestConfig object and the ability to
set your own object. This increases testing coverage of the __init__ module
to 100%.
* Fixed bug with sub_domain not maintaining port information in url_for and
added unit tests. Reported by Jonathan Rosebaugh.
* Added unit tests to ensure sub_domain option works with named routes, cleaned
up url_for memory argument filtering. Fixed bug with named routes and sub_domain
option not working together, reported by Jonathan Rosebaugh.
* Changed order in which sub-domain is added to match-dict so it can be used
in a conditions function.


* Added sub_domains option to mapper, along with sub_domains_ignore list for
subdomains that are considered equivilant to the main domain. When sub_domains
is active, url_for will now take a sub_domain option that can alter the host
the route will go to.
* Added ability for filter functions to provide a _host, _protocol, _anchor arg
which is then used to create the URL with the appropriate host/protocol/anchor
* Patch applied from Ticket 28. Resolves issue with Mapper's controller_scan
function requiring a valid directory argument. Submitted by Zoran Isailovski.


* Fixed bug with map.resource related to member methods, found in Rails version.
* Fixed bug with map.resource member methods not requiring a member id.
* Fixed bug related to handling keyword argument controller.
* Added map.resource command which can automatically generate a batch of routes intended
to be used in a REST-ful manner by a web framework.
* Added URL generation handling for a 'method' argument. If 'method' is specified, it
is not dropped and will be changed to '_method' for use by the framework.
* Added conditions option to map.connect. Accepts a dict with optional keyword args
'method' or 'function'. Method is a list of HTTP methods that are valid for the route.
Function is a function that will be called with environ, matchdict where matchdict is
the dict created by the URL match.
* Fixed redirect_to function for using absolute URL's. redirect_to now passes all args to
url_for, then passes the resulting URL to the redirect function. Reported by climbus.


* Fixed _filter bug with inclusion in match dict during matching, reported by David Creemer.
* Fixed improper url quoting by using urllib.encode, patch by Jason Culverhouse.

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