- Example dataset updated and moved to new address. Updated documentation.
- `predict_translated_orfs` and `select_final_prediction_set` modified such
that Rp-chi pipeline is used _only_ if `chi_square_only` is in config file,
otherwise Rp-Bp is used.
- Handling of options passed to flexbar via arguments to `run_all_rpbp_instances`,
`run_rpbp_pipeline`, `create_orf_profiles` and `create_base_genome_profile`.
- Handling of additional options passed to star via arguments, mainly
to `create_base_genome_profile`.
- Removed config option `seqids_to_keep` for compatibility with `extract_metagene_profiles`
that does not use this option anymore. This has also been removed from the example.
Updated documentation.
- Removed fields `delta_l` and `delta_h` from output in `estimate_orf_bayes_factors`.
- Removed deprecated function calls from
`prepare_rpbp_genome`, `create_base_genome_profile`
- Utility for supressing pystan (or other compiled function) output. For more
details see [Issue 10](
- Added _limited support_ for GFF3 specifications, in particular this requires removing the
STOP codons from the CDSs and passing the right option to `STAR`.
`Prepare_rpbp_genome` and `create_base_genome_profile` modified.
- If using de_novo, all annotations are concatenated automatically in preparation of
running the main pipeline.
- Minor changes to plotting options, typos and/or redundant features in
`rpbp/analysis/profile_construction/create_rpbp_preprocessing_report` and
See [ISSUE 87]( In progress.
- Added default _sjdbOverhang_ option to star during mapping.