
Latest version: v1.27.1

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* Submissions can now be marked as *[hidden]* using the ``space`` key. Hidden
submissions will be removed from the feed when the page is reloaded.
* New MIME parsers have been added for vimeo.com and streamja.com.
* Added support for opening links with **qutebrowser**.


* Fixed unhandled OAuth server log messages being dumped to stdout.
* Fixed the application crashing when performing rate-limited requests.
* Fixed crash when displaying posts that contain null byte characters.


* Added README badge for *saythanks.io*.
* Updated the mailcap template to support *v.redd.it* links.




I forgot to check in a commit before publishing the 1.22.0 release (whoops!)


* Updated the ``__version__.py`` file to report the current version.
* Added the missing v1.22.0 entry to the CHANGELOG.





* Added the ``--no-flash`` option to disable terminal flashing.


* Fixed automatically exiting on launch when trying to open an invalid
subreddit with the ``-s`` flag.
* Fixed error handling for HTTP request timeouts when checking for new
messages in the inbox.
* Fixed a typo in the sample theme config.


* Added the FreeBSD package to the README.





* Full support for customizable themes has been added. For more information,
see the new section on themes in the README, and the ``THEMES.md`` file.


* Fixed incorrect URL strings being sent to the **opera** web browser.
* Fixed timeout messages for the **surf** and **vimb** web browsers.
* Switched to using ``XDG_DATA_HOME`` to store the rtv browser history and
credentials file.





* Text piped to the ``$PAGER`` will now wrap on word / sentence breaks.
* New MIME parsers have been added for liveleak.com and worldstarhiphop.com.


* Fixed a regression where text from the web browser's stdout/stderr was
being sent to the terminal window.
* Fixed crashing on startup when the terminal doesn't support colors.
* Fixed broken text formatting when running inside of emacs ``term``.


* Dropped support for python 3.3 because it's no longer supported upstream
by **pytest**. The application will still install through pip but will no
longer be tested.
* Added a text logo to the README.



Not secure


* Greatly improved loading times by using smarter rate limiting and page caching.
* The logout prompt is now visible as a popup notification.
* New MIME parsers have been added for gifs.com, giphy.com, imgtc.com,
imgflip.com, livememe.com, makeameme.org and flickr.com
* Improved mailcap examples for parsing video links with mpv.


* Patched a backwards-incompatible Reddit API change with the comment
permalink now being returned in the response JSON.
* Fixed crashing when a comment contained exotic unicode characters like emojis.
* Removed the option to select custom sorting ranges for controversial and
top comments.
* Fixed MIME parsing for single image Imgur galleries.


* Preliminary refactoring for the upcoming theme support.
* Created some utility scripts for project maintenance.
* Created a release checklist document.
* Updated the README gif images and document layout.


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