This version comes with a large change in the internal structure of the project,
but does not break backwards compatibility. This includes adding a new test
suite that will hopefully improve the stability of future releases.
Continuous Integration additions
* Travis-CI https://travis-ci.org/michael-lazar/rtv
* Coveralls https://coveralls.io/github/michael-lazar/rtv
* Gitter (chat) https://gitter.im/michael-lazar/rtv
* Added a tox config for local testing
* Added a pylint config for static code and style analysis
* The project now uses VCR.py to record HTTP interactions for testing.
* Added a wider utilization of the loading screen for functions that make
reddit API calls.
* In-progress loading screens can now be cancelled by pressing the `Esc` key.
* OSX users should now be able to login using OAuth.
* Comments now return the correct nested level when loading "More Comments".
* Several unicode fixes, the project is now much more consistent in the way
that unicode is handled.
* Several undocumented bug fixes as a result of the code restructure.