
Latest version: v1.27.1

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Not secure

* Better support for */r/random*.
* Added a ``monochrome`` config setting to disable all color.
* Improved cursor positioning when expanding/hiding comments.
* Show ``(not enough space)`` when comments are too large.


* Fixed permissions when copying the config file.
* Fixed bug where submission indicies were duplicated when paging.
* Specify praw v3.4.0 to avoid installing praw 4.


* Added section to the readme on Arch Linux installation.
* Updated a few argument descriptions.
* Added a proper ascii logo.



Not secure

* You can now open long posts/comments with the $PAGER by pressing `l`.
* Changed a couple of visual separators.


* Added testing instructions to the FAQ.



Not secure

* All keys are now rebindable through the config.
* New bindings - ctrl-d and ctrl-u for page up / page down.
* Added tag for stickied posts and comments.
* Added bullet between timestamp and comment count.


* Links starting with np.reddit.com no longer return `Forbidden`.


* Updated README.



Not secure

* A banner on the top of the page now displays the selected page sort order.
* Hidden scores now show up as "- pts".
* Oauth settings are now accesible through the config file.
* New argument `--config` specifies the config file to use.
* New argument `--copy-config` generates a default config file.


* Added a keyboard reference from keyboardlayouteditor.com
* Added a link to an asciinema demo video



Not secure

This version comes with a large change in the internal structure of the project,
but does not break backwards compatibility. This includes adding a new test
suite that will hopefully improve the stability of future releases.

Continuous Integration additions

* Travis-CI https://travis-ci.org/michael-lazar/rtv
* Coveralls https://coveralls.io/github/michael-lazar/rtv
* Gitter (chat) https://gitter.im/michael-lazar/rtv
* Added a tox config for local testing
* Added a pylint config for static code and style analysis
* The project now uses VCR.py to record HTTP interactions for testing.


* Added a wider utilization of the loading screen for functions that make
reddit API calls.
* In-progress loading screens can now be cancelled by pressing the `Esc` key.


* OSX users should now be able to login using OAuth.
* Comments now return the correct nested level when loading "More Comments".
* Several unicode fixes, the project is now much more consistent in the way
that unicode is handled.
* Several undocumented bug fixes as a result of the code restructure.



Not secure

* Fixed authentication checking for */r/me*.
* Added force quit option with the `Q` key.
* Removed option to sort subscriptions.
* Fixed crash with pressing `i` when not logged in.
* Removed futures requirement from the python 3 distribution.


* Updated screenshot in README.
* Added section to the FAQ on installation.


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