
Latest version: v0.15.37

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
- fix for issue 82, deepcopy not working (reported by code monk)


Not secure
- fix for comments after empty (null) values (reported by dsw2127 and cokelaer)


Not secure
- optimisations on memory usage when loading YAML from large files (py3 -50%, py2 -85%)


Not secure
- if ``load()`` or ``load_all()`` is called with only a single argument
(stream or string)
a UnsafeLoaderWarning will be issued once. If appropriate you can surpress this
warning by filtering it. Explicitly supplying the ``Loader=ruamel.yaml.Loader``
argument, will also prevent it from being issued. You should however consider
using ``safe_load()``, ``safe_load_all()`` if your YAML input does not use tags.
- allow adding comments before and after keys (based on
`StackOveflow Q&A <>`_ by
`msinn <>`_)


Not secure
- another fix for numpy (re-reported independently by PaulG & Nathanial Burdic)


Not secure
- only the RoundTripLoader included the Resolver that supports YAML 1.2
now all loaders do (reported by mixmastamyk)

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