
Latest version: v0.15.37

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
- allow dot char (and many others) in anchor name
Fix issue 72 (reported by Shalon Wood)
- |
Slightly smarter behaviour dumping strings when no style is
specified. Single string scalars that start with single quotes
or have newlines now are dumped double quoted "'abc\nklm'" instead of




Not secure
- preserve round-trip sequences that are mapping keys
(prompted by stackoverflow question 39595807 from Nowox)


Not secure
- Fix for issue 60 representation of CommentedMap with merge
keys incorrect (reported by Tal Liron)


Not secure
- Fix issue 58 endless loop in scanning tokens (reported by
Christopher Lambert)


Not secure
- Make previous fix depend on unicode char width (32 bit unicode support
is a problem on MacOS reported by David Tagatac)


Not secure
- To be ignored Unicode characters were not properly regex matched
(no specific tests, PR by Haraguroicha Hsu)

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