6th August 2014
1) Python3 compatability (but at least python 2.6 is now required)
Ruffus v2.5 is now python3 compatible. This has required surprisingly many changes to the codebase. Please report any bugs to me.
.. note::
**Ruffus now requires at least python 2.6**
It proved to be impossible to support python 2.5 and python 3.x at the same time.
2) Ctrl-C interrupts
Ruffus now mostly(!) terminates gracefully when interrupted by Ctrl-C .
Please send me bug reports for when this doesn't work with a minimally reproducible case.
This means that, in general, if an ``Exception`` is thrown during your pipeline but you don't want to wait for the rest of the jobs to complete, you can still press Ctrl-C at any point.
Note that you may still need to clean up spawned processes, for example, using ``qdel`` if you are using ``Ruffus.drmaa_wrapper``
3) Customising flowcharts in pipeline_printout_graph() with ``graphviz``
*Contributed by Sean Davis, with improved syntax via Jake Biesinger*
The graphics for each task can have its own attributes (URL, shape, colour) etc. by adding
`graphviz attributes <http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html>`__
using the ``graphviz`` decorator.
* This allows HTML formatting in the task names (using the ``label`` parameter as in the following example).
HTML labels **must** be enclosed in ``<`` and ``>``. E.g.
.. code-block:: python
label = "<Line <BR/> wrapped task_name()>"
* You can also opt to keep the task name and wrap it with a prefix and suffix:
.. code-block:: python
label_suffix = "??? ", label_prefix = ": What is this?"
* The ``URL`` attribute allows the generation of clickable svg, and also client / server
side image maps usable in web pages.
See `Graphviz documentation <http://www.graphviz.org/content/output-formatsdimap>`__
.. code-block:: python
graphviz(URL='"http://cnn.com"', fillcolor = '"FFCCCC"',
color = '"FF0000"', pencolor='"FF0000"', fontcolor='"4B6000"',
label_suffix = "???", label_prefix = "What is this?<BR/> ",
label = "<What <FONT COLOR=\"red\">is</FONT>this>",
shape= "component", height = 1.5, peripheries = 5,
def Up_to_date_task2(infile, outfile):
Can use dictionary if you wish...
graphviz_params = {"URL":"http://cnn.com", "fontcolor": '"FF00FF"'}
def myTask(input,output):
.. **
.. image:: images/history_html_flowchart.png
:scale: 30
4. Consistent verbosity levels
The verbosity levels are now more fine-grained and consistent between pipeline_printout and pipeline_run.
Note that At verbosity > 2, ``pipeline_run`` outputs lists of up-to-date tasks before running the pipeline.
Many users who defaulted to using a verbosity of 3 may want to move up to ``verbose = 4``.
* **level 0** : *Nothing*
* **level 1** : *Out-of-date Task names*
* **level 2** : *All Tasks (including any task function docstrings)*
* **level 3** : *Out-of-date Jobs in Out-of-date Tasks, no explanation*
* **level 4** : *Out-of-date Jobs in Out-of-date Tasks, with explanations and warnings*
* **level 5** : *All Jobs in Out-of-date Tasks, (include only list of up-to-date tasks)*
* **level 6** : *All jobs in All Tasks whether out of date or not*
* **level 10**: *Logs messages useful only for debugging ruffus pipeline code*
* Defaults to **level 4** for pipeline_printout: *Out of date jobs, with explanations and warnings*
* Defaults to **level 1** for pipeline_run: *Out-of-date Task names*
5. Allow abbreviated paths from ``pipeline_run`` or ``pipeline_printout``
.. note ::
Please contact me with suggestions if you find the abbreviations useful but "aesthetically challenged"!
Some pipelines produce interminable lists of long filenames. It would be nice to be able to abbreviate this
to just enough information to follow the progress.
Ruffus now allows either
1) Only the nth top level sub-directories to be included
2) The message to be truncated to a specified number of characters (to fit on a line, for example)
Note that the number of characters specified is the separate length of the input and output parameters,
not the entire message. You many need to specify a smaller limit that you expect (e.g. ``60`` rather than `80`)
.. code-block:: python
pipeline_printout(verbose_abbreviated_path = NNN)
pipeline_run(verbose_abbreviated_path = -MMM)
The ``verbose_abbreviated_path`` parameter restricts the length of input / output file paths to either
* NNN levels of nested paths
* A total of MMM characters, MMM is specified by setting ``verbose_abbreviated_path`` to -MMM (i.e. negative values)
``verbose_abbreviated_path`` defaults to ``2``
For example:
Given ``["aa/bb/cc/dddd.txt", "aaa/bbbb/cccc/eeed/eeee/ffff/gggg.txt"]``
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 1,4,8,19
Original relative paths
"[aa/bb/cc/dddd.txt, aaa/bbbb/cccc/eeed/eeee/ffff/gggg.txt]"
Full abspath
verbose_abbreviated_path = 0
"[/test/ruffus/src/aa/bb/cc/dddd.txt, /test/ruffus/src/aaa/bbbb/cccc/eeed/eeee/ffff/gggg.txt]"
Specifed level of nested directories
verbose_abbreviated_path = 1
"[.../dddd.txt, .../gggg.txt]"
verbose_abbreviated_path = 2
"[.../cc/dddd.txt, .../ffff/gggg.txt]"
verbose_abbreviated_path = 3
"[.../bb/cc/dddd.txt, .../eeee/ffff/gggg.txt]"
Truncated to MMM characters
verbose_abbreviated_path = -60
"<???> /bb/cc/dddd.txt, aaa/bbbb/cccc/eeed/eeee/ffff/gggg.txt]"
If you are using ``ruffus.cmdline``, the abbreviated path lengths can be specified on
the command line as an extension to the verbosity:
.. code-block:: bash
:emphasize-lines: 4,7
verbosity of 4
yourscript.py --verbose 4
display three levels of nested directories
yourscript.py --verbose 4:3
restrict input and output parameters to 60 letters
yourscript.py --verbose 4:-60
The number after the colon is the abbreviated path length
Other changes
* BUG FIX: Output producing wild cards was not saved in the checksum files!!!
* BUG FIX: mkdir bug under Windows. Thanks to Sean Turley. (Aargh! Different exceptions are thrown in Windows vs. Linux for the same condition!)
* Added :ref:`pipeline_get_task_names(...) <pipeline_functions.pipeline_get_task_names>` which returns all task name as a list of strings. Thanks to Clare Sloggett