
Latest version: v2.8.4

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* **jobs_limit**
Some tasks are resource intensive and too many jobs should not be run at the
same time. Examples include disk intensive operations such as unzipping, or
downloading from FTP sites.


transform(new_data_list, suffix(".big_data.gz"), ".big_data")
def unzip(i, o):
"unzip code goes here"

would limit the unzip operation to 4 jobs at a time, even if the rest of the
pipeline runs highly in parallel.

(Thanks to Rob Young for suggesting this.)



* **touch_files_only** option for **pipeline_run**

When the pipeline runs, task functions will not be run. Instead, the output files for
each job (in each task) will be ``touch``\ -ed if necessary.
This can be useful for simulating a pipeline run so that all files look as
if they are up-to-date.


* This may not work correctly where output files are only determined at runtime, e.g. with **split**
* Only the output from pipelined jobs which are currently out-of-date will be ``touch``\ -ed.
In other words, the pipeline runs *as normal*, the only difference is that the
output files are ``touch``\ -ed instead of being created by the python task functions
which would otherwise have been called.

* Parameter substitution for **inputs(...)**

The **inputs(...)** parameter in **transform**, **collate** can now take tasks and ``glob`` s,
and these will be expanded appropriately (after regular expression replacement).

For example::

transform("dir/a.input", regex(r"(.*)\/(.+).input"),
inputs((r"\1/\2.other", r"\1/*.more")), r"elsewhere/\2.output")
def task1(i, o):
Some pipeline task

Is equivalent to calling::

task1(("dir/a.other", "dir/1.more", "dir/2.more"), "elsewhere/a.output")




is first converted to::


which matches::





* Better display of logging output
* Advanced form of **split**
This is an experimental feature.

Hitherto, **split** only takes 1 set of input (tasks/files/``glob`` s) and split these
into an indeterminate number of output.

This is a one->many operation.

Sometimes it is desirable to take multiple input files, and split each of them further.

This is a many->many (more) operation.

It is possible to hack something together using **transform** but downstream tasks would not
aware that each job in **transform** produces multiple outputs (rather than one input,
one output per job).

The syntax looks like::

split(get_files, regex(r"(.+).original"), r"\1.*.split")
def split_files(i, o):

If ``get_files()`` returned ``A.original``, ``B.original`` and ``C.original``,
``split_files()`` might lead to the following operations::

-> A.1.original
-> A.2.original
-> A.3.original
-> B.1.original
-> B.2.original
-> C.1.original
-> C.2.original
-> C.3.original
-> C.4.original
-> C.5.original

Note that each input (``A/B/C.original``) can produce a number of output, the exact
number of which does not have to be pre-determined.
This is similar to **split**

Tasks following ``split_files`` will have ten inputs corresponding to each of the
output from ``split_files``.

If **transform** was used instead of **split**, then tasks following ``split_files``
would only have 3 inputs.




* File names can be in unicode
* File systems with 1 second timestamp granularity no longer cause problems.




* Much prettier /useful output from :ref:`pipeline_printout <pipeline_functions.pipeline_printout>`
* New tutorial / manual



* Revamped documentation:

* Rewritten tutorial
* Comprehensive manual
* New syntax help

* Major redesign. New decorators include

* :ref:`split <new_manual.split>`
* :ref:`transform <new_manual.transform>`
* :ref:`merge <new_manual.merge>`
* :ref:`collate <new_manual.collate>`

* Major redesign. Decorator *inputs* can mix

* Output from previous tasks
* |glob|_ patterns e.g. ``*.txt``
* Files names
* Any other data type


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