
Latest version: v0.8.5

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Bugfix: fixed a problem when trying to set the loglevel to DEBUG
* Bugfix: fixed a random crash of the heartbeat thread (see 101).
* Feature: added --force/-f option to disable errors and warnings concerning
suspicious changes. (thanks to Yannic Kilcher)
* Feature: experiments can now be run in Jupyter notebook, but will fail with
an error by default, which can be deactivated using interactive=True
* Feature: added support for adding a captured out filter, and a filter that
and applies backspaces and linefeeds before saving like a terminal
would. (thanks to Kevin McGuinness)


* Bugfix: fixed support for ``ex.named_config`` (was broken by 0.6.8)
* Bugfix: fixed handling of captured functions with prefix for failing on
added unused config entries


* Feature: Added automatic conversion of ``pandas`` datastructures in the
custom info dict to json-format in the MongoObserver.
* Feature: Fail if a new config entry is added but it is not used anywhere
* Feature: Added a warning if no observers were added to the experiment.
Added also an ``unobserved`` keyword to commands and a
``--unobserved`` commandline option to silence that warning
* Feature: Split the debug flag ``-d`` into two flags: ``-d`` now only disables
stacktrace filtering, while ``-D`` adds post-mortem debugging.
* API change: renamed ``named_configs_to_use`` kwarg in ``ex.run_command``
method to ``named_configs``
* API change: changed the automatic conversion of numpy arrays in the
MongoObserver from pickle to human readable nested lists.
* Bugfix: Fixed a problem with debugging experiments.
* Bugfix: Fixed a problem with numpy datatypes in the configuration
* Bugfix: More helpful error messages when using ``return`` or ``yield`` in a
config scope
* Bugfix: Be more helpful when using -m/--mongo_db and pymongo is not installed


* Bugfix: fixed an error when trying to add a mongo observer via command-line


* Feature: added -c/--comment commandline option to add a comment to a run
* Feature: added -b/--beat_interval commandline option to control the
rate of heartbeat events
* Feature: introduced an easy way of adding custom commandline options


* Feature: Support ``ex.capture`` on methods (thanks to Treora)
* Bugfix: fixed an error that occurred when a dependency module didn't have a
the '__file__' attribute

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