
Latest version: v0.8.5

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Bugfix: fixed a problem where some config modification would be displayed as
added if there where multiple ConfigScopes involved
* Bugfix: fixed a problem with tracking typechanges related to None-type
* Bugfix: fixed a crash related to MongoObserver being an unhashable type
* Bugfix: added back setslice and delslice methods to DogmaticList for
python 2.7 compatibility


* Bugfix: fixed a bug in the mongo observer that would always crash the final
* Bugfix: automatic detection of local source files no longer wrongly detects
non-local files in subdirectories.


* Bugfix: fixed crash when using artifacts
* Bugfix: added resources are now saved immediately


* Bugfix: fixed a crash when some numpy datatypes were not present
(like numpy.float128)
* Bugfix: Made MissingDependencyMock callable so it would also correctly
report the missing dependency when called
* Bugfix: MongoObserver would just crash the experiment if the result or the
info are not serializable. Now it warns and tries to alter
problematic entries such that they can be stored.


* Feature: With the new ``add_artifact`` function files can be added to a run
That will fire an ``artifact event`` and they will also be stored
in the database by the MongoObserver.
* Feature: Files can be opened through the experiment using ``open_resource``,
which will fire a ``resource_event`` and the file is automatically
saved to the database by the MongoObserver
* Feature: Collections used by the MongoObserver can now have a custom prefix
* Feature: MongoObserver saves all sources as separate files to the database
using GridFS
* Feature: Sources and package dependencies can now also be manually added
* Feature: Automatically collect imported sources and dependencies also from
* Feature: added print_dependencies command
* Feature: With the ``--debug`` flag Sacred now automatically enters
post-mortem debugging after an exception.
* Feature: Only filter the stacktrace if exception originated outside of Sacred
* Feature: Allow to specify a config file (json, pickle or yaml) on the
command-line using with.
* Feature: Normal dictionaries can now be added as configuration to experiments
using the new ``add_config`` method.
* Feature: MongoObserver now tries to reconnect to the MongoDB if connection
is lost, and at the end of an experiment writes the entry to a
tempfile if the reconnects failed.
* Bugfix: Invalid config keys could crash the MongoObserver or the
print_config command. Now they are checked at the beginning and an
exception is thrown.
* Bugfix: fixed coloring of seeds modified by or entries added by named configs
* Documentation: greatly improved the examples and added them to the docs


* Bugfix: processor name was not queried correctly on OSX

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