
Latest version: v2.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Moved to Python 3 with standard Python package (Also published to PyPI)

* Added plugin support

* Added option for custom breaks

* Added optional break images

* Added lock screen support after long breaks

* Prevent disabling Safe Eyes after notification in strict break mode

* Use system language by default if available

* Update configuration without losing the settings

* Append to the `safeeyes.log` file instead of overwriting (Max size is 5MB)

* Fix disable menu issue in Elementary OS and Manjaroo KDE

* Fix stretched switch buttons in some desktop environments

* Increased the break screen font size

* Translatable About dialog

* Minor bug fixes







* Moved to Python 3 with standard Python package

* Added plugin support

* Added option for custom breaks

* Added break images

* Added lock screen support after long breaks

* Prevent disabling Safe Eyes after notification in strict break mode

* Use system language by default if available

* Fix disable menu issue in Elementary OS and Manjaroo KDE

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