
Latest version: v2.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fix:
- Fix random crashes in some Linux environments
- Fix menu being reset after saving settings


Bug fix:
- Fix incorrect long break interval
- Remove redundant output in console


Buf fix:
- Fix system locale time error


New features:
- Disable Safe Eyes for given time (Customizable)
- Override individual break time
- Override individual audible alert
- Override full-screen mode and skip/take breaks based on the active window
- Respect system locale time format in the tray menu

Bug fix:
- Fix to delete startup script during config version change
- Fix large icon in System Monitor


Bug fixes:
- Fix for no audible alert


New features:
- Optional audible alert at the end of breaks
- Pause Safe Eyes if the system is idle for more than given minutes and resume when the system is active again

Bug fixes:
- Fixed no breaks after fullscreen apps found
- Fixed dependency issues in Kubuntu

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