
Latest version: v2.2.0

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Set your SageMaker Studio domain ID and user profile name, to allow multiple users connecting to multiple domains with the same kernel gateway name:

sm-local-ssh-ide set-domain-id <<domain_id>>
sm-local-ssh-ide set-user-profile-name <<user_profile_name>>

IAM action `ssm:DeregisterManagedInstance` removed from `SSHSageMakerClientPolicy`, because instance cleanup is to be run by an admin.

32 - switch to regional STS endpoints in wrappers, to fetch the local user ID.

35 - Support HF accelerate and DeepSpeed for inference.

27 - Support Hugging Face Accelerate for training.

Support SSH into training with [SageMaker Training Compiler](

Support for SSH into Jupyter Server instance.
FAQ: [Can I connect from my local machine to Jupyter Server in addition to Kernel Gateways?](FAQ.mdcan-i-connect-from-my-local-machine-to-jupyter-server-in-addition-to-kernel-gateways)

Improved support for SSH Agent keys forwarding into SageMaker.
FAQ: [How do I securely forward my local private SSH keys from local machine to the remote host with SSH Agent?](FAQ.mdhow-do-i-securely-forward-my-local-private-ssh-keys-from-local-machine-to-the-remote-host-with-ssh-agent)

API: get_instance_ids() method receives an optional `timeout_in_sec` parameter that is by default 900 seconds (15 minutes), to highlight the difference from `connection_wait_time_seconds` passed to the wrapper, which is by default 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Added development journey to README.

Improved logging.

Improved troubleshooting instructions.


Internet-free mode support: [I'm running SageMaker in a VPC. Do I need to make extra configuration?](FAQ.mdim-running-sagemaker-in-a-vpc-do-i-need-to-make-extra-configuration)

Amazon Linux support for SageMaker Studio

[MATE desktop]( is now the default environment for VNC both for Amazon Linux and Debian-based SageMaker Studio images

[Windows procedure](FAQ.mdis-windows-supported) now uses virtual env and doesn't need admin rights

Documentation improvements, more detailed architecture diagrams

Improve CI/CD testing of the code


31 - fixed `sm-local-configure` on macOS

* [When debugging a training job with SageMaker SSH Helper and, I want to automatically stop the job when there are no users connected and there's no GPU utilization. How to do that?](FAQ.mdwhen-debugging-a-training-job-with-sagemaker-ssh-helper-and-training-placeholder-i-want-to-automatically-stop-the-job-when-there-are-no-users-connected-and-theres-no-gpu-utilization-how-to-do-that)
* [I want to send users the SMS or email notification when the placeholder training job has issues with low GPU utilization. How to do that?](FAQ.mdi-want-to-send-users-the-sms-or-email-notification-when-the-placeholder-training-job-has-issues-with-low-gpu-utilization-how-to-do-that)

`sm-wait stop` now have to be used instead of pkill to gracefully shut down the waiting loop

IAM policy `SSHSageMakerServerPolicy` changes – `ssm:ListInstanceAssociations` requires `*` as a resource name to avoid errors in logs (see []( for more details).

CDK apps has been split (see []( for more details):
* sagemaker_ssh_helper.cdk.iam_ssm_app
* sagemaker_ssh_helper.cdk.advanced_tier_app

API Changes:
* `ssh_wrapper.training_job_name()` instead of ssh_wrapper.latest_training_job_name()
* `sm-ssh-ide get-metadata` to print SageMaker Studio details to connect
* `sm-ssh-ide set-local-user-id "$LOCAL_USER_ID"` and `sm-ssh-ide init-ssm` instead of a single init-ssm command.

Added the tip to set the Web VNC screen resolution with `xrandr`

`sm-save-env` now handles special symbols and quotes in variables

Improve CI/CD testing of the code


IAM/SSM policy update - needs `ssm:GetCommandInvocation` permission for better performance – [2628c4f](
IAM/SSM policy update - needs `*` for `ssm:ListInstanceAssociations` to avoid errors in logs – 049f97b

28 – fixed issue with new SageMaker Python SDK: Invalid bucket name "sagemaker.config INFO - Fetched defaults config from location: ": Bucket name must match the regex. The change related to SageMaker defaults :

Added support for [SageMaker defaults](
Improved MME support for TF
Added support for pre-trained HuggingFace models
Better support for popular SageMaker Studio images
Support attaching to already submitted training jobs with `SSHEstimatorWrapper.attach()`

Documented alternative way to add SSH Helper dependency through `requirements.txt`


25 - fix for IDE notebook / kernel lifecycle configuration script: installing sudo that is missing in some kernels


WebVNC through [noVNC]( and [AWS Jupyter Proxy](

25 - fix for `sm-local-configure` on Linux: sudo for installing AWS CLI and Session Manager Plugin

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