CDK deployment automation in [](IAM_SSM_Setup.mdautomated-setup-with-cdk-and-cloud9)
Demonstrated the least privilege principle
12 - Removed EC2 instance from SSM setup
Speed up instance ID resolution with [SSMManager](sagemaker_ssh_helper/ (not using CloudWatch logs and [SSHLog](sagemaker_ssh_helper/ anymore, except for endpoints)
Speed up instance ID resolution (not using CloudWatch logs anymore, except for endpoints)
4 - Notebook instances support
The command `sm-local-ssh-ide <<kernel_gateway_name>>` is becoming `sm-local-ssh-ide connect <<kernel_gateway_name>>` (added `connect` for consitency with other scripts)
New command: `sm-local-configure` to run on the local machine to install AWS CLI v2 and Sessions Manager plugin
17 - An option to start only SSH server inside SageMaker Studio: `sm-ssh-ide start --ssh-only`
Deregistering instances with timestamp: new parameter `--delete-older-than-n-days <N>`
New tags attached to an SSM instance, in addition to `SSHOwner`: `SSHCreator`, `SSHTimestamp`, `SSHResourceName` and `SSHResourceArn`.
Env variables passed to SSH helper change: instead of `SSH_SSM_TAGS` it now accepts only `SSH_OWNER_TAG`, other tags are calculated automatically. `SSH_LOG_TO_STDOUT` parameter is needed for notebook instances.
16 - China AWS Regions support
Stability, usability and performance improvements
Documentation updates
FAQ - [Are SageMaker notebook instances supported?](FAQ.mdare-sagemaker-notebook-instances-supported)
FAQ - [What if I want to use an estimator in a hyperparameter tuning job (HPO) and connect to a stuck training job with SSM?](FAQ.mdwhat-if-i-want-to-use-an-estimator-in-a-hyperparameter-tuning-job-hpo-and-connect-to-a-stuck-training-job-with-ssm)
FAQ - [How to configure an AWS CLI profile to work with SageMaker SSH Helper?](FAQ.mdhow-to-configure-an-aws-cli-profile-to-work-with-sagemaker-ssh-helper) (resolves 14)