
Latest version: v4.8.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Added p5 as a supported NCCL instance



* Add support for py39 and py310

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* typo in the run unit tests command
* run unit tests in sequence order for release process as well to prevent coverage conflicting issues
* chore: removing unnecessary logging information


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* update the boto deps to use latest boto


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* bypass DNS check for studio local exec


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* use smddprun only if it is installed


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Add NCCL_PROTO=simple environment variable to handle the out-of-order data delivery from EFA
* toolkit build failure

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