
Latest version: v4.7.4

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* [breaking change] Remove ``status_codes`` module and use ``six.moves.http_client`` instead
* [breaking change] Move ``UnsupportedFormatError`` from ``encoders`` module to ``errors`` module
* Return 4XX status codes for ``UnsupportedFormatError`` from default input/output handlers


* Allow for local modules to work with AWS SageMaker framework containers.
* Support for training outside of AWS SageMaker Training.


* Fix output_data_dir to reference an existing directory.
* Fix error message.
* Make pip install verbose.


* Fix error class for user script errors.
* Adding Readme.


* Improve logging
* Support for hyperparameters with JSON serialized and non serialized keys altogether
* Training Environment transforms to env vars
* Created beta framework entrypoint
* Filter SageMaker provided hyperparameters and user provided hyperparameters
* Script mode
* Cache module installation
* Support to requirements.txt
* Decoder/Encoder support for numpy, JSON, and CSV


* bug: Configuration: Change module names to string in __all__
* bug: Environment: handle hyperparameter injected by tuning jobs

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