
Latest version: v0.21.1

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9. Added dependency extras - netmiko, napalm, scrapli, pyats, netconf, gnmi, restconf, dataprocessor - to simplify installation using `pip install nornir-salt[xyz]`
10. Moved development environment to rockylinux, removed centos7 docker related files


5. Added job_wait_timeout proxy pillar option to control how long to wait for Nornir to return job/task execution results
6. Added main_process_host in nr.stats output to indicate host name of the system Nornir proxy running on
7. Added watchdog_dead_connections_cleaned in nr.stats output to indicate overall stale connection cleaned
8. Added hosts_connections_active in nr.stats output to indicate overall number of connections for hosts
9. Implemented special task "test", "nr_test", "nr_refresh", "nr_restart"
10. Watchdog now have capability to restart nornir-proxy and monitors memory usage together with file descriptors usage
11. Added watchdog parameters - 'memory_threshold_mbyte' and 'memory_threshold_action' to control memory management
12. Added support to all tasks for tf (to file) option to save output to file, added option tf_per_host save each host output in individual file on minion


1. Moved job queue placement/results queue retrieval to nornir-proxy using "execute_job" function


1. Fixed states entry point, have to use states_dirs instead of state_dirs -
2. Fixed file to install requirements as well.



4. Added new Netbox utils `cache_list` and `cache_delete` to work with cached data content


1. Netbox `napalm_driver` usage removed from netbox pillar, instead Netbox device platform `name` used as a Nornir host's platform unless platform defined within Netbox device config context


2. nr.nornir version report added `diskcache` version

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