
Latest version: v0.21.0

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1. Fixed salt 3003.3 support for run_ttp and iplkp arguments - file download was broken for them.



1. Fixed Salt Nornir 0.6 dependency to use nornir_salt 0.6.* instead of nornir_salt 0.5.*
2. Fixed nr.find checks for digit filtering in nornir_salt package



1. Added `nr.nornir` `hosts` function to list hosts managed by this Nornir Proxy Minion
2. Added `nr.nornir` `connections` function to list hosts connections
3. Added `nr.nornir` `disconnect` function to close host connections
4. Added `xpath` CLI argument to filter XML results using xpath expressions
5. Added `jmespath` CLI argument to filter JSON or structured results using JMESPath query language
6. Added `nr.gnmi` execution module function to interact with devices over gNMI protocol supporting any of PyGNMI `gNMIClient` methods
7. Added ` dir` and `dir_list` to list actions available for proxy minion
8. Added `sortby` and `reverse` keywords support for `nr.find` table formatting
9. Added `iplkp` keyword to perform IP addresses lookup and replacement for cli output using DNS or CSV table



1. Fixed requirements



1. State module - `nr.workflow` added `run_if_fail_all` and `run_if_pass_all` conditions support, modified logic to be AND for `run_if` conditions if multiple of them specified in step
2. Execution module - added `nr.file` function to read, list, delete and diff files saved by `ToFileProcessor`
3. Execution module - added `nr.learn` function to simplify saving results to files
4. Execution module - added `nr.find` function to search across saved files
5. Execution module - added `nr.diff` function to simplify diff calls
6. Execution module - new `run_ttp` CLI argument to perform TTP parsing of output produced by Nornir Task plugins
7. Execution module - new `dump` CLI argument to save full results output to text files
8. Execution module - new `nr.http` function to execute any HTTP/REST API calls using Python requests library
9. Execution module - ` ncclient` plugin can now interact with devices behind jumphosts
10. Proxy module - new `Fx` filters - `FN` filter negate, `FC` filter contains, `FR` filter regex, expanded `FB` filter glob to support multiple patterns
11. State module - `nr.workflow` added support for `` step function to support `run_if_x` conditions
12. Execution module - added `nr.nornir` function to combine all utility functions:
- `inventory`
- `stats`
- `version`
- `shutdown`
- `initialized`
- `kill`
- `refresh`
- `test`
13. Execution module - Added `sortby` and `reverse` CLI arguments for `TabulateFormatter`
14. Execution module - New `xml_flake` CLI Argument to do XML flattened key filtering
15. Execution module - New `dp` CLI Argument to invoke `nornir-salt` `DataProcessors`


1. Execution module - Remove nr.inventory, nr.version, nr.stats execution module functions
2. Proxy module - Renamed aliases to actions in pillar and in documentation
3. Proxy module - Moved processors addition to separate function in Proxy Minion Module
4. Simplified docs for execution module
5. State module - Added tests for workflow function
6. Updated requirements in to use fixed major version


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