
Latest version: v0.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Use constant time string comparisons [82]( ([commit1](, [commit2]( (thanks **Brendan Long**!)
- Edited and changed the usage of JWT, because in fact the code and documentation uses JWS tokens. [79]( ([commit]( (thanks **unuseless**!)
- Documentation fix [78]( ([commit](
- Documentation improvements [77]( ([commit](
- helper release script ([commit](


- Refactored HTTPAuth login_required [74]( ([commit]( (thanks **nestedsoftware**!)
- remove incorrect references to JWT in example application [69]( ([commit](
- Fix typo in docs [70]( ([commit]( (thanks **Grey Li**!)
- Fix documentation [67]( ([commit]( (thanks **Eugene Rymarev**!)
- correct spelling mistake [56]( ([commit]( (thanks **Edward Betts**!)
- travis build fix for py36 ([commit](


- Include docs and tests in pypi source tarball [55]( ([commit]( (thanks **Chandan Kumar**!)


- Validate authorization header in multi auth [51]( ([commit](
- index.rst: Add a missing variable in a code snippet [49]( ([commit]( (thanks **Baptiste Fontaine**!)


- add `__version__` to package ([commit](
- Add readme and license files to the built package [45]( ([commit](


- Fix TCP Connection reset by peer error [39]( ([commit]( (thanks **Joe Kemp**!)

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