
Latest version: v0.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Remove session dependency in authenticate_header [31]( ([commit]( (thanks **Paweł Stiasny**!)
- Add Install Notes ([commit]( (thanks **Michael Washburn Jr**!)
- Add syntax highlighting to the README [28]( ([commit]( (thanks **Josh Friend**!)


- Support custom authentication scheme and realm ([commit](


- Added information on how to implement digest authentication securely ([commit](
- Allow for custom nonce/opaque generation [24]( ([commit]( (thanks **Matt Haggard**!)
- fixed tests to work with python 2.6 ([commit](
- added travis ci badge ([commit](


- documentation changes ([commit](
- documentation for stored ha1 feature ([commit](
- Include notes for nginx ([commit]( (thanks **Erik Stephens**!)
- Include notes for nginx as well ([commit]( (thanks **Erik Stephens**!)
- Update docs with WSGI notes ([commit]( (thanks **Erik Stephens**!)
- Update README with WSGI notes ([commit]( (thanks **Erik Stephens**!)
- Modified documents and readme for correct import statement [19]( ([commit]( (thanks **Aayush Kasurde**!)


- Support anonymous users in verify_password callback ([commit](
- Add HA1 generation function to HTTPDigestAuth class ([commit]( (thanks **Pawel Szczurko**!)
- Fix unit test url routes ([commit]( (thanks **Pawel Szczurko**!)
- Add option to use ha1 combination as password instead of plain text password ([commit]( (thanks **Pawel Szczurko**!)
- removed extra strip() calls in unit tests ([commit](


- pep8 ([commit](
- Fixed problem with couple of decorator that destroy function they decorate [11]( ([commit]( (thanks **Nemanja Trifunovic**!)
- Ignore authentication headers for OPTIONS ([commit]( (thanks **Henrique Carvalho Alves**!)

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