
Latest version: v1.7.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Changed the name 'sapporo' to all lowercase.


- Added support for Python 3.9.
- Changed to use `uwsgi` as a production server.
- Updated Docker environment.
- Added support for uwsgi in unit tests
- Updated GitHub Actions.
- Properly set `cwd` and `PATH` when forking ``.
- Fixed overall encoding to `utf-8`.


- Added the feature to download hidden files in the download file function
- Fixed some error codes, and added some restrictions and validations to the user input characters.
- Added docker network setting for s3 upload


- Add the feature to handle remote URL as workflow_attachment
- Fix docker-compose file version
- Fix docker-compose volume mount options
- Fix unlink option error


- Changed the status of ep3 and toil to experimental.
- Fixed the port of the development environment from 8080 to 1122
- Removed run_dir from tags
- Fixed a behavior regarding the execution of a registered workflow
- Implemented file hosting feature for run_dir
- Fixed tests
- Updated README and swagger documentation.


- Add docker binary in the docker image, remove docker binary mount from compose files
- Add cromwell
- Fix the src dir in the docker volume mount
- Fix test codes

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