
Latest version: v1.7.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Add Snakemake
- Remove `external` from `docker-compose.yml`'s network to create automatically
- Add wf execution test
- Add the function to change permissions of outputs dir and exe dir
- Add the function to handle `workflow_attachment` while maintaining the directory structure of the formData's filename
- Update


- Fix ``
- Add Nextflow script to ``
- Add curl example
- Update WES specification
- Refactoring the source code
- Add process to set permissions of exe_dir and outputs_dir to 777
- Fixed volume mount in `docker-compose.yml` and ``
- Fixed the structure of the test directory
- Implement upload to S3 function


- Fix docker exec options


- Add option `--url-prefix`
- Fix pip install path


- Fix isort test command
- Add ep3 as a backend workflow engine
- Change the port number
- Add docker network
- Add CROS headers


- Add CROS headers

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