
Latest version: v0.23.1

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- Fix bug in SNRE (363)
- Fix warnings for multi-D x (361)
- Small improvements to MCMC, verbosity and continuing of chains (347, 348)


- Make logging of vectorized numpy slice sampler slightly less verbose and address NumPy future warning (347)
- Allow continuation of MCMC chains (348)


- Conditional distributions and correlations for analysing the posterior (321)
- Moved rarely used arguments from pairplot into kwargs (321)
- Sampling from conditional posterior (327)
- Allow inference with multi-dimensional x when appropriate embedding is passed (335)
- Fixes a bug with clamp_and_warn not overriding num_atoms for SNRE and the warning message itself (338)
- Compatibility with Pyro 1.4.0 (339)
- Speed up posterior rejection sampling by introducing batch size (340, 343)
- Allow vectorized evaluation of numpy potentials (341)
- Adds vectorized version of numpy slice sampler which allows parallel log prob evaluations across all chains (344)


- Bug fix for zero simulations in later rounds (318)
- Bug fix for sbi.utils.sbiutils.Standardize; mean and std are now registered in state dict (thanks plcrodrigues, 325)
- Tutorials on embedding_net and presimulated data (thanks plcrodrigues, 314, 318)
- FAQ entry for pickling error


- Bug fix for broken NSF (310, thanks tvwenger).


- Add FAQ (293)
- Fix bug in embedding_net when output dimension does not equal input dimension (299)
- Expose arguments of functions used to build custom networks (299)
- Implement non-atomic APT (301)
- Depend on pyknos 0.12 and nflows 0.12
- Improve documentation (302, 305, thanks to agramfort)
- Fix bug for 1D uniform priors (307).

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