- Added missing type imports (275) - Made compatible for Python 3.6 (275)
- Added `mcmc_parameters` to init methods of inference methods (270) - Fixed detaching of `log_weights` when using `sir` MCMC init (270) - Fixed logging for SMC-ABC
- Added option to pass external data (264) - Added setters for MCMC parameters (267) - Added check for `density_estimator` argument (263) - Fixed `NeuralPosterior` pickling error (265) - Added code coverage reporting (269)
- Added ABC methods (250) - Added multiple chains for MCMC and new init strategy (247) - Added options for z-scoring for all inference methods (256) - Simplified swapping out neural networks (256) - Improved tutorials - Fixed device keyword argument (253) - Removed need for passing x-shapes (259)