
Latest version: v2022.3.16

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This version brings with it a few updates:

- Ability to specify executor version though --executor-version for sbpack-nf. This will allow users to specify which executor version they want to use.
- Revision note customization through --revision-note. Users can now add customized revision notes.
- Ability to specify both input and output schema file separately in CWL or (tower.yml specification)[]. This will allow users to use tower yml to define some of the workflow outputs.
- Manual validation option. Users can now initiate manual validation by using --manual-validation in the command line of sbpack-nf. This can make it easier to properly define what types certain ambiguous inputs are, without the need to edit the CWL schema.


Minor fixes


New commands to deploy Nextflow and WDL workflows to Seven Bridges platforms


- Fix
- Other minor fixes and improvements.


- Fix 12
- Document 13


This release fixes an issue with propagating user defined types in inlined steps and adds an option to filter out non SBG tags from the source CWL.

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