
Latest version: v2022.3.16

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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This release adds support for file stdout/stderr file types


This release fixes several issues that manifested as bugs on windows systems.


- Fixes bug in handling list of sources.
- Improves error messages


Provides two commands: `sbpack` and `sbpull`.

`sbpack`, given a CWL tool or workflow, will find and inline any external references (linked processes, schemadefs and `$includes` and `$imports`), creating an equivalent, portable, single file CWL document which is then uploaded to a SB powered platform and is runnable from there.

`sbpull`, given an SB App id, will download the CWL from an SB platform onto local disk, allowing a user to include that CWL in local code, and include it in any code repository they are using.


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