
Latest version: v1.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix various typos in docs 146
* Fix various URLs for blizzard resources 151 154 156
* Fix Ravager data 161
* Add CommandManagerStateEvent 162
* Fix participant state from gameheart 171


* Add DOI to the README 128
* Add various missing attributes for co-op replays 129
* Add support for python 3.8, 3.9 132 136
* Fix owner on an event with no unit 133
* Add support for ResourceTradeEvent 135
* Fix depot URL template 139


* Add support for protocol 80949 (StarCraft 5.0) 122
* Fix toJson script 118


* Add support for protocol 77379 106 107
* Workaround for missing data 102 104


* Add support for protocol 75689 95


* Allow pytest 84
* Format code with black 87
* Fix UnitTypeChangeEvent.__str__ 92
* Add Stetmann 93

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