
Latest version: v13.0.0

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- Updated `outlines` dependency to `>=0.0.36,<0.1`. This fixes a race condition caused
during evaluation of NER datasets and also includes integration with the
`transformers` library. The existing hardcoded integration has now been removed in
favour of the integration in that package.


Not secure
- Now includes the `transformers` integration with `outlines` directly in the code,
which caused issues as they weren't part of the newest `outlines` release. When it
does get included then we will import these as before.
- When evaluating OpenAI models we now do not perform any structured generation, as we
do not have access to the logits.


Not secure
- Added the Icelandic common sense reasoning dataset Winogrande-is, being a manually
translated version of the English Winogrande dataset. This also means that the
HellaSwag-is dataset has been marked as unofficial, and will thus not automatically
be included when benchmarking models on the Icelandic common sense reasoning task.

- Updated `vllm` dependency to `>=0.3.3,<0.4.0`, which allows the benchmarking of the
new Gemma and OLMO models, without the bug from vLLM v0.3.2.

- Do not show message regarding missing flash attention if CUDA is not available.
- Only use bfloat16 as quantisation compute type if it is available and that
`torch_dtype` is set to "bfloat16" in the Hugging Face configuration - otherwise we
use float16.
- Since flash attention is now enabled by default, some models couldn't be loaded due
to them not supporting it. For these models, flash attention will now be disabled
during model loading.
- Now uses a single GPU when finetuning, as previously evaluation would just freeze in
this case. In the future we might support multi-GPU finetuning, but since encoder
models usually doesn't require multiple GPUs, this is currently not prioritised.


Not secure
- Flash attention will now default to being used if `flash_attn` has been installed. If
the `--use-flash-attention/no-use-flash-attention` hasn't been set and the
`flash_attn` package hasn't been installed, then a logging message will be displayed,
informing the user.
- Changed backend structured generation framework to `outlines` from

- Evaluating models on NER tasks used excessive amounts of memory and took very long.
This was due to a bug in vLLM v0.3.2, and will be fixed in vLLM v0.3.3. We thus
forbid v0.3.2, making it fast again, and we'll remain compatible with the new v0.3.3
when it is released.
- A name clash has been fixed, which caused the MMLU-no dataset to not be run when
running all Norwegian datasets.


Not secure
- Now automatically uses multiple GPUs when evaluating generative models with vLLM.
- Now allows "unofficial" datasets, which are datasets which are not included on the
official leaderboards and models will only be benchmarked on them if they have been
explicitly set using the `--dataset` argument (or `dataset` argument if using the
`Benchmarker` API). This allows the inclusion of more datasets, without bloating the
evaluation time of "official" evaluations, as well as removing the need to remove old
datasets when they are replaced by newer ones.
- The following datasets have been added as unofficial, all datasets that used to be
part of ScandEval but has since been replaced:
1. ARC-da
2. ARC-no
3. ARC-sv
4. ARC-is
5. ARC-de
6. ARC-nl
7. ARC
8. DaNE
9. WikiANN-fo
- A more informative error message is now being thrown if additional arguments need to
be supplied to evaluate the model, such as
- When determining a model's maximum sequence length, we now also look at the
`max_sequence_length` attribute of the Hugging Face model configuration.

- Computation of the BERTScore metric for summarisation tasks are now using the device
stated in the benchmark config, making the metric computation significantly faster if
a GPU is being used. This defaults to processing 32 samples at a time, which is
reduced if OOM errors occur. If OOM errors occur with a batch size of 1 then the
scores are computed on CPU, as before.
- Updated `transformers` dependency to `>=4.38.1,<4.39.0`, and `vllm` dependency to
`>=0.3.2,<0.4.0`. This allows the benchmarking of the new Gemma and OLMO models.
- When using the `Benchmarker` API, the `save_results` argument now defaults to True.
- The `Benchmarker.benchmark` method now only returns the list of benchmark results
from the given run, rather than all historic benchmark results as well.
- The framework now defaults to using a Hugging Face Hub token when accessing models,
if available.


Not secure
- Added arguments to `Benchmarker.benchmark` (or simply `Benchmarker.__call_`),
corresponding to the same arguments during initialisation. The idea here is that the
default parameters are set during initialisation, and then any of these can be
changed if needed when performing a concrete evaluation, without having to
re-initialise the `Benchmarker`.
- Added the Danish knowledge datasets `danske-talemaader` and `danish-citizen-tests`.
Both are multiple choice datasets, where the first one tests knowledge about Danish
idioms, and the second one tests knowledge about the Danish society. These replace
the machine translated MMLU-da dataset.
- Added a `--num-iterations` flag (`num_iterations` in the Python CLI), which controls
the number of times each model should be evaluated, defaulting to the usual 10
iterations. This is only meant to be changed for power users, and if it is changed
then the resulting scores will not be included in the leaderboards.

- The default value of the languages are now all languages, rather than only Danish,
Swedish and Norwegian.
- Changed all summarisation datasets to use one few-shot example (some were set to 2),
and increased the maximum amount of generated tokens to 256 rather than the previous
128, since many of the gold standard summaries are around 200 tokens.

- There was an error caused if an old version of the `openai` package was installed and
if the `scandeval` package was checking if a model exists as an OpenAI model. Now an
informative error is thrown if the model is not found on any available platforms, as
well as noting the extras that are missing, which prevents the package from checking
existence on those platforms.
- Changed the prompt for the English sentiment classification dataset SST5, where it
previously stated that the documents were tweets - these have now been renamed to
- Correctly assess whether the `openai` extra should be used, which made it impossible
to benchmark OpenAI models.
- Disabled `lmformatenforcer` logging, which happens in the rare case when we're
few-shot evaluating a model on NER and there are no JSON-valid tokens to generate.

- Removed all machine translated ARC datasets, as they had a near 100% correlation with
the machine translated version of the MMLU datasets.

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