
Latest version: v12.10.8

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Not secure
- Using model revisions did not work with vLLM models - this has now been fixed. These
revisions are specified using the '' operator in the model ID, e.g., `scandeval -m


Not secure
- The prompts were not stripped correctly, causing bad evaluations for sequence
classification tasks.


Not secure
- Now requires `transformers` versions `4.37.x`. As they often introduce breaking
changes in minor versions, we now only allow a patch version difference and manually
update to `4.38.x` when it comes out.
- Swapped primary/secondary metrics for the multiple choice tasks, where we now set MCC
as the primary metric and accuracy and secondary. This is due to the fact that MCC
handles class imbalance better.
- Removed speculative ngram sampling again, as `transformers` now requires the batch
size to be 1, which doesn't make it any faster than normal.
- Swapped primary/secondary metrics for the multiple choice tasks, where we now set MCC
as the primary metric and accuracy and secondary. This is due to the fact that MCC
handles class imbalance better.
- Number of generated tokens for sequence classification tasks has been changed back to
3 (from 1). This makes no difference to open source models, as we only use the
logprobs from the first token anyway, but it *does* make a difference to closed
source models where the logprobs are not available (like OpenAI's chat models), as
we're instead calculating word edit distance to the labels.

- Prevents FP16 overflow by using -1e3 instead of -1e9 for ~0% probability logprobs
during generation with vLLM.
- Avoids excessive disk usage by not caching processed datasets to disk, as we are
never using the cached versions anyway.
- We now only strip the prompts if the model's tokenizer includes a prefix space when
tokenizing the labels.
- When testing a model's maximum sequence length, we put dummy inputs into them. This
causes errors if the dummy inputs are one of the special tokens. Since the special
tokens have not always been set up in the tokenizer, we instead rely on a heuristic
that the 100th token ID is not a special token.
- An import depended on `vllm`, which is not installed on non-Linux devices, causing an
`ImportError`. This has now been removed.
- Fixed an issue where structured generation wasn't triggered when vLLM wasn't


Not secure
- Added (the English) datasets MMLU, ARC and HellaSwag, as well as Norwegian and
Icelandic translations of it. Now the `knowledge` and `common-sense-reasoning` tasks
are covered in all supported languages except Faroese (i.e., da, sv, no, is, de, nl &
- Now uses speculative ngram sampling for text generation when vLLM is not available.
This has no effect on performance and increases evaluation speed by 3x on generation
heavy tasks like NER and summarization.
- Added structured generation for the NER task, which enables the models to (almost)
always output correct JSON, separating the NER capabilities from the JSON
capabilities. JSON can be tested separately in a (future) coding benchmark.
- Now adds `scandeval_version` to the output JSONL results, to make it easier to
determine when outdated results need re-benchmarking.

- Swapped primary/secondary metrics for the NER task, as the `MISC` tag varies too much
from dataset to dataset to be meaningful as a primary metric. Now uses micro-average
F1-score across all tags except the `MISC` tag as a primary metric.

- There was a bug where all models were removed from disk prior to benchmarking. This
will now only happen if the `--clear-model-cache` flag is set.
- The `vllm` package cannot be installed when CUDA is not available - this is now
neither installed nor used when this is the case, and generative few-shot evaluation
is done using the `transformers` package rather than `vllm`.
- Previously `temperature` was wrongly not set for vLLM and OpenAI models, instead
defaulting to their 1.0 values. This was due to the fact that this is set in
`transformers` using the `do_sample=False` argument, which doesn't transfer to the
other libraries. This has now been set to 0.0.
- Now catches OpenAI `InvalidRequestError`s.
- Removed overly long or repetitive samples in the multiple choice datasets, which
caused errors when evaluating OpenAI models on them.
- Now sets the `top_k` parameter in the vLLM `SamplingParams` based on the value it has
in the `GenerationConfig`. This caused a discrepancy, as vLLM defaulted to -1 and
`transformers` to 50.
- When loading a model using `transformers` then the quantized compute dtype is now
correctly set to either `bfloat16` or `float16`, depending on the GPU available,
rather than the previous `float32`. This does not affect generation performance.
- Fixed formatting of summarization metrics.
- Removed print output from `bert_score` during summarization metric computation.
- Now clears GPU memory properly after finishing the benchmark of a generative model
with vLLM.


Not secure
- When checking if a model has already been benchmarked, we only care about the
`few_shot` parameter if the model is generative.


Not secure
- Now adds a `generative` key to the logged results, to enable parsing few-shot
evaluated models correctly when building leaderboards.

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