
Latest version: v1.0.78

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixes

- Fix `EditorAdvanced` showing async content incorrectly. (Since 1.0.71)
- Allow multi-digit http versions.
- Fix `SyntaxWarning`-s on python 3.12.



- `EditorAdvanced` now writes big chunks at once instead many small.
- `EditorAdvanced` now only writes the difference between 2 display states if applicable.

Bug fixes

- Fix `EditorAdvanced` calculated line length wrong on resize (decrease) for last line if its full.
- Fix `EditorAdvanced` calculated line count of not rendered outputs incorrectly.
- Fix `EditorAdvanced` wrote continuous prefixes twice. Was not visible due to it rewriting the same line after.
- Fix `EditorAdvanced` cleared its lines when writing even tho it cleared the input before.



- Add `debug-key` cli command.


Bug fixes

- `populate_frame_proxies` failed if a frame changed meanwhile populating.
- `_get_familiar_names` could return duplicate entries.



- Add `FormData.__bool__`.
- `FormData.fields` is now a list of `FormDataField`.
- Add `FormData.add_json`.
- `FormData.__eq__` now has better support for `json` with the addition of `.add_json`.



- Add `CauseGroup.__eq__`.
- Add `CauseGroup.__new__`.
- Add `FormData.__eq__`.
- No `content length` / `tarnsfer encoding` headers are sent when we are not sending anything.
Having these headers caused Discord's websocket to never read want we send to it (since yesterday night).

Bug fixes

- `WebSocketCommonProtocol.close_connection` did not handle `GeneratorExit` correctly.

Renames, Deprecation & Removals

- Rename `FormData` to `Formdata`. Old version is still a valid import for now.
- Deprecate `filename` parameter of `FormData.add_field` in favor of `file_name`.

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