
Latest version: v1.0.71

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Bug fixes

- Highlighter now removes empty strings from "lines". Keeping them could cause incorrect line break amount.


Bug fixes

- Highlighting returned incorrect output on line-ending back-slash characters. (Gilgamesh8939)
- Editor could skip new-line prefix when the line was empty. (Showed up by fixing previous bug.)
- Highlighter built multi-line format strings with too much internal linebreaks.
- Highlighting returned incorrect output on escaped non-closed format strings.


Bug fixes

- `ExceptionWriterContextManager._create_location_message_from_tracing` dropped `TypeError`. (Gilgamesh8939)
- Highlighter could not render linebreaks after specific tokens.


Bug fixes

- The editor cursor after moving back to 0th position showed up visually at 1st.
- 0 length string highlights were broken. (Gilgamesh8939)


Bug fixes

- Editor line breaking was not working as expected. (Gilgamesh8939)
- Editor `in [n]` command had lower priority than compiling.
- Edit prefix length was incorrectly calculated.



- Add `ExceptionWriterContextmanager` with `catching` shortcut.
- Make `write_exception_sync` directly importable.
- Add more traceback highlight options. (This also means some changed)
- `before` and `after` parameters when writing a traceback are now also highlighted.
- `Future.__repr__` now wont contain the full exception representation if too long.
- Update `format_coroutine` function to produce shorter representation.
- Replace default exception hooks.

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