* Added ``skbio.io.format.embl`` for reading and writing EMBL files for ``DNA``, ``RNA`` and ``Sequence`` classes.
* Removing ValueError check in `skbio.stats._subsample.subsample_counts` when `replace=True` and `n` is greater than the number of items in counts. [1527](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/pull/1527)
* Added ``skbio.io.format.gff3`` for reading and writing GFF3 files for ``DNA``, ``Sequence``, and ``IntervalMetadata`` classes. ([1450](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/pull/1450))
* `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata` constructor has a new keyword argument, `copy_from`, for creating an `IntervalMetadata` object from an existing `IntervalMetadata` object with specified `upper_bound`.
* `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata` constructor allows `None` as a valid value for `upper_bound`. An `upper_bound` of `None` means that the `IntervalMetadata` object has no upper bound.
* `skbio.metadata.IntervalMetadata.drop` has a new boolean parameter `negate` to indicate whether to drop or keep the specified `Interval` objects.
Backward-incompatible changes [stable]
Backward-incompatible changes [experimental]
Performance enhancements
* `skbio.tree.nj` wall-clock runtime was decreased by 99% for a 500x500 distance matrix and 93% for a 100x100 distance matrix. ([1512](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/pull/1512), [#1513](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/pull/1513))
Bug fixes
* The `include_self` parameter was not being honored in `skbio.TreeNode.tips`. The scope of this bug was that if `TreeNode.tips` was called on a tip, it would always result in an empty `list` when unrolled.
* In `skbio.stats.ordination.ca`, `proportion_explained` was missing in the returned `OrdinationResults` object. ([1345](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1345))
* `skbio.diversity.beta_diversity` now handles qualitative metrics as expected such that `beta_diversity('jaccard', mat) == beta_diversity('jaccard', mat > 0)`. Please see [1549](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1549) for further detail.
* `skbio.stats.ordination.rda` The occasional column mismatch in output `biplot_scores` is fixed ([1519](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1519)).
Deprecated functionality [stable]
Deprecated functionality [experimental]
* scikit-bio now depends on pandas >= 0.19.2, and is compatible with newer pandas versions (e.g. 0.20.3) that were previously incompatible.
* scikit-bio now depends on `numpy >= 1.17.0, < 1.14.0` for compatibility with Python 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 and the available numpy conda packages in `defaults` and `conda-forge` channels.
* added support for running tests from `setup.py`. Both `python setup.py nosetests` and `python setup.py test` are now supported, however `python setup.py test` will only run a subset of the full test suite. ([1341](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1341))