* The ``TabularMSA`` object was added to represent and operate on tabular multiple sequence alignments. This satisfies [RFC 1](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio-rfcs/blob/master/active/001-tabular-msa.md). See the ``TabularMSA`` docs for full details.
* Added phylogenetic diversity metrics, including weighted UniFrac, unweighted UniFrac, and Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity. These are accessible as ``skbio.diversity.beta.unweighted_unifrac``, ``skbio.diversity.beta.weighted_unifrac``, and ``skbio.diversity.alpha.faith_pd``, respectively.
* Addition of the function ``skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity`` to support applying an alpha diversity metric to multiple samples in one call.
* Addition of the functions ``skbio.diversity.get_alpha_diversity_metrics`` and ``skbio.diversity.get_beta_diversity_metrics`` to support discovery of the alpha and beta diversity metrics implemented in scikit-bio.
* Added `skbio.stats.composition.ancom` function, a test for OTU differential abundance across sample categories. ([1054](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1054))
* Added `skbio.io.format.blast7` for reading BLAST+ output format 7 or BLAST output format 9 files into a `pd.DataFrame`. ([1110](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1110))
* Added `skbio.DissimilarityMatrix.to_data_frame` method for creating a ``pandas.DataFrame`` from a `DissimilarityMatrix` or `DistanceMatrix`. ([757](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/757))
* Added support for one-dimensional vector of dissimilarities in `skbio.stats.distance.DissimilarityMatrix`
constructor. ([6240](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/624))
* Added `skbio.io.format.blast6` for reading BLAST+ output format 6 or BLAST output format 8 files into a `pd.DataFrame`. ([1110](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1110))
* Added `inner`, `ilr`, `ilr_inv` and `clr_inv`, ``skbio.stats.composition``, which enables linear transformations on compositions ([892](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/892)
* Added ``skbio.diversity.alpha.pielou_e`` function as an evenness metric of alpha diversity. ([1068](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1068))
* Added `to_regex` method to `skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence` ABC - it returns a regex object that matches all non-degenerate versions of the sequence.
* Added ``skbio.util.assert_ordination_results_equal`` function for comparing ``OrdinationResults`` objects in unit tests.
* Added ``skbio.io.format.genbank`` for reading and writing GenBank/GenPept for ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein`` and ``Sequence`` classes.
* Added ``skbio.util.RepresentationWarning`` for warning about substitutions, assumptions, or particular alterations that were made for the successful completion of a process.
* ``TreeNode.tip_tip_distances`` now supports nodes without an associated length. In this case, a length of 0.0 is assumed and an ``skbio.util.RepresentationWarning`` is raised. Previous behavior was to raise a ``NoLengthError``. ([791](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/791))
* ``DistanceMatrix`` now has a new constructor method called `from_iterable`.
* ``Sequence`` now accepts ``lowercase`` keyword like ``DNA`` and others. Updated ``fasta``, ``fastq``, and ``qseq`` readers/writers for ``Sequence`` to reflect this.
* The ``lowercase`` method has been moved up to ``Sequence`` meaning all sequence objects now have a ``lowercase`` method.
* Added ``reverse_transcribe`` class method to ``RNA``.
* Added `Sequence.observed_chars` property for obtaining the set of observed characters in a sequence. ([1075](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1075))
* Added `Sequence.frequencies` method for computing character frequencies in a sequence. ([1074](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1074))
* Added experimental class-method ``Sequence.concat`` which will produce a new sequence from an iterable of existing sequences. Parameters control how positional metadata is propagated during a concatenation.
* ``TreeNode.to_array`` now supports replacing ``nan`` branch lengths in the resulting branch length vector with the value provided as ``nan_length_value``.
* ``skbio.io.format.phylip`` now supports sniffing and reading strict, sequential PHYLIP-formatted files into ``skbio.Alignment`` objects. ([1006](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1006))
* Added `default_gap_char` class property to ``DNA``, ``RNA``, and ``Protein`` for representing gap characters in a new sequence.
Backward-incompatible changes [stable]
* `Sequence.kmer_frequencies` now returns a `dict`. Previous behavior was to return a `collections.Counter` if `relative=False` was passed, and a `collections.defaultdict` if `relative=True` was passed. In the case of a missing key, the `Counter` would return 0 and the `defaultdict` would return 0.0. Because the return type is now always a `dict`, attempting to access a missing key will raise a `KeyError`. This change *may* break backwards-compatibility depending on how the `Counter`/`defaultdict` is being used. We hope that in most cases this change will not break backwards-compatibility because both `Counter` and `defaultdict` are `dict` subclasses.
If the previous behavior is desired, convert the `dict` into a `Counter`/`defaultdict`:
import collections
from skbio import Sequence
freqs_dict = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8)
freqs_counter = collections.Counter(freqs_dict)
freqs_dict = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8, relative=True)
freqs_default_dict = collections.defaultdict(float, freqs_dict)
**Rationale:** We believe it is safer to return `dict` instead of `Counter`/`defaultdict` as this may prevent error-prone usage of the return value. Previous behavior allowed accessing missing kmers, returning 0 or 0.0 depending on the `relative` parameter. This is convenient in many cases but also potentially misleading. For example, consider the following code:
from skbio import Sequence
freqs = seq.kmer_frequencies(k=8)
Previous behavior would return 0 because the kmer `'ACCGA'` is not present in the `Counter`. In one respect this is the correct answer because we asked for kmers of length 8; `'ACCGA'` is a different length so it is not included in the results. However, we believe it is safer to avoid this implicit behavior in case the user assumes there are no `'ACCGA'` kmers in the sequence (which there are!). A `KeyError` in this case is more explicit and forces the user to consider their query. Returning a `dict` will also be consistent with `Sequence.frequencies`.
Backward-incompatible changes [experimental]
* Replaced ``PCoA``, ``CCA``, ``CA`` and ``RDA`` in ``skbio.stats.ordination`` with equivalent functions ``pcoa``, ``cca``, ``ca`` and ``rda``. These functions now take ``pd.DataFrame`` objects.
* Change ``OrdinationResults`` to have its attributes based on ``pd.DataFrame`` and ``pd.Series`` objects, instead of pairs of identifiers and values. The changes are as follows:
- ``species`` and ``species_ids`` have been replaced by a ``pd.DataFrame`` named ``features``.
- ``site`` and ``site_ids`` have been replaced by a ``pd.DataFrame`` named ``samples``.
- ``eigvals`` is now a ``pd.Series`` object.
- ``proportion_explained`` is now a ``pd.Series`` object.
- ``biplot`` is now a ``pd.DataFrame`` object named ``biplot_scores``.
- ``site_constraints`` is now a ``pd.DataFrame`` object named ``sample_constraints``.
* ``short_method_name`` and ``long_method_name`` are now required arguments of the ``OrdinationResults`` object.
* Removed `skbio.diversity.alpha.equitability`. Please use `skbio.diversity.alpha.pielou_e`, which is more accurately named and better documented. Note that `equitability` by default used logarithm base 2 while `pielou_e` uses logarithm base `e` as described in Heip 1974.
* ``skbio.diversity.beta.pw_distances`` is now called ``skbio.diversity.beta_diversity``. This function no longer defines a default metric, and ``metric`` is now the first argument to this function. This function can also now take a pairwise distances function as ``pairwise_func``.
* Deprecated function ``skbio.diversity.beta.pw_distances_from_table`` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. Code that used this should be adapted to use ``skbio.diversity.beta_diversity``.
* ``TreeNode.index_tree`` now returns a 2-D numpy array as its second return value (the child node index) instead of a 1-D numpy array.
* Deprecated functions `skbio.draw.boxplots` and `skbio.draw.grouped_distributions` have been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. These functions generated plots that were not specific to bioinformatics. These types of plots can be generated with seaborn or another general-purpose plotting package.
* Deprecated function `skbio.stats.power.bootstrap_power_curve` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled. Use `skbio.stats.power.subsample_power` or `skbio.stats.power.subsample_paired_power` followed by `skbio.stats.power.confidence_bound`.
* Deprecated function `skbio.stats.spatial.procrustes` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of `scipy.spatial.procrustes`.
* Deprecated class `skbio.tree.CompressedTrie` and function `skbio.tree.fasta_to_pairlist` have been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of existing general-purpose Python trie packages.
* Deprecated function `skbio.util.flatten` has been removed from scikit-bio as scheduled in favor of solutions available in the Python standard library (see [here](http://stackoverflow.com/a/952952/3639023) and [here](http://stackoverflow.com/a/406199/3639023) for examples).
* Pairwise alignment functions in `skbio.alignment` now return a tuple containing the `TabularMSA` alignment, alignment score, and start/end positions. The returned `TabularMSA`'s `index` is always the default integer index; sequence IDs are no longer propagated to the MSA. Additionally, the pairwise alignment functions now accept the following input types to align:
- `local_pairwise_align_nucleotide`: `DNA` or `RNA`
- `local_pairwise_align_protein`: `Protein`
- `local_pairwise_align`: `IUPACSequence`
- `global_pairwise_align_nucleotide`: `DNA`, `RNA`, or `TabularMSA[DNA|RNA]`
- `global_pairwise_align_protein`: `Protein` or `TabularMSA[Protein]`
- `global_pairwise_align`: `IUPACSequence` or `TabularMSA`
- `local_pairwise_align_ssw`: `DNA`, `RNA`, or `Protein`. Additionally, this function now overrides the `protein` kwarg based on input type. `constructor` parameter was removed because the function now determines the return type based on input type.
* Removed `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollection` in favor of using a list or other standard library containers to store scikit-bio sequence objects (most `SequenceCollection` operations were simple list comprehensions). Use `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` instead of `SequenceCollection.distances` (pass `key="id"` to exactly match original behavior).
* Removed `skbio.alignment.Alignment` in favor of `skbio.alignment.TabularMSA`.
* Removed `skbio.alignment.SequenceCollectionError` and `skbio.alignment.AlignmentError` exceptions as their corresponding classes no longer exist.
Bug Fixes
* ``Sequence`` objects now handle slicing of empty positional metadata correctly. Any metadata that is empty will no longer be propagated by the internal ``_to`` constructor. ([1133](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1133))
* ``DissimilarityMatrix.plot()`` no longer leaves a white border around the
heatmap it plots (PR 1070).
* TreeNode.root_at_midpoint`` no longer fails when a node with two equal length child branches exists in the tree. ([1077](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1077))
* ``TreeNode._set_max_distance``, as called through ``TreeNode.get_max_distance`` or ``TreeNode.root_at_midpoint`` would store distance information as ``list``s in the attribute ``MaxDistTips`` on each node in the tree, however, these distances were only valid for the node in which the call to ``_set_max_distance`` was made. The values contained in ``MaxDistTips`` are now correct across the tree following a call to ``get_max_distance``. The scope of impact of this bug is limited to users that were interacting directly with ``MaxDistTips`` on descendant nodes; this bug does not impact any known method within scikit-bio. ([1223](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1223))
* Added missing `nose` dependency to setup.py's `install_requires`. ([1214](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1214))
* Fixed issue that resulted in legends of ``OrdinationResult`` plots sometimes being truncated. ([1210](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/1210))
Deprecated functionality [stable]
* `skbio.Sequence.copy` has been deprecated in favor of `copy.copy(seq)` and `copy.deepcopy(seq)`.
* Doctests are now written in Python 3.
* ``make test`` now validates MANIFEST.in using [check-manifest](https://github.com/mgedmin/check-manifest). ([#461](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/461))
* Many new alpha diversity equations added to ``skbio.diversity.alpha`` documentation. ([321](https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/issues/321))
* Order of ``lowercase`` and ``validate`` keywords swapped in ``DNA``, ``RNA``, and ``Protein``.