This release features several large improvements to overrides: a new `if.any` group to allow selections based on any item being true, and a new `if.env` option for selecting an override based on environment variables. You can now build pure Python packages with `wheel.cmake = false`, perfect for providing a slower pure Python version of a package on unsupported systems via overrides.
There's also a new `inplace` mode for editable installs, which has drawbacks but feels like the classic `"--inplace"` setting in setuptools and can enable some tooling that would otherwise not support modern editable installs to work. If you are using Cython to access `.pxd` files, modern ("redirect") editable installs now support that. And to help avoid collisions with a future user feature, config settings can now be passed with an optional namespace, `skbuild.`, as well.
- Add inplace mode for editable installs by henryiii in 553
- Add `wheel.exclude` by henryiii in 560
- Support cmake-less runs (for overrides) by henryiii in 550
- Support `if.any` by henryiii in 548
- Support `if.env` by henryiii in 549
- Support namespaced config settings (`skbuild.`) by henryiii in 556
- Correct issue with editable template & add more tests by henryiii in 552
- Support editable installs of Cython `.pxd` files by vyasr in 516
- Fix spelling for Fedora by henryiii in 559
- Add meeting information by henryiii in 555
- Update intro and mention cmeel by henryiii in 551
**Full Changelog**: