
Latest version: v0.9.8

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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This release brings a lot of further development. This is starting to be used by
downstream projects; it is a good idea to be a little careful with versions
still, configuration may change.


- Allow python packages to be specified by henryiii in 58
- Autocopy packages if names match by henryiii in 53
- Include/exclude by henryiii in 59
- Color status messages for wheel by henryiii in 60
- Support reproducible sdist builds by agoose77 in 64
- Prettier logging with config setting by henryiii in 40
- Add `extra-tags` by henryiii in 49
- Support for setting python & abi tag (including limited API) by henryiii in
- (setuptools) Use setup keyword support by henryiii in 42
- (setuptools) `cmake_source_dir` from scikit-build classic by henryiii in 45


- Avoid copy, avoid failure if pre-existing by henryiii in 41
- Better support for FindPython by henryiii in 38
- Fallback to make if available (setting) by henryiii in 57
- Handle `PermissionError` in reading `libdir.is_dir()` by agoose77 in 43
- Include `--config` when installing by henryiii in 61
- Incorrect min version of macOS by henryiii in 50
- Lists and bool settings by henryiii in 56
- Mkdir for sdist if missing, test polish by henryiii in 44
- Simple example PyPy support workaround by henryiii in 37


- Tags configuration group by henryiii in 55
- (setuptools) Use native bdist_wheel setting for abi3 by henryiii in 52
- Rename `cmake_settings` to `skbuild_settings` by henryiii in 46
- Refactor wheel code a bit to read better by henryiii in 65

Other things:

- Better logging on macOS for deployment target by henryiii in 48
- Format cmake files by henryiii in 54


First experimental snapshot.

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