<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v1.14.1.6 -->
* `scipy.interpolate`: The public API is now 100% annotated (by humans)
* `scipy.sparse`: The public API is now 100% annotated (by humans)
* the sparse array- and matrix- types optionally accept a generic type parameter for their scalar type, e.g. `coo_array[np.float64]`.
* `{coo, csr, dok}_array` additionally accept a 2nd optional type parameter for their 1-d (`tuple[int]`) or 2-d (`tuple[int, int]`) shape-type.
* fixed some typing issues on older numpy versions
What's Changed
* 🎨 `interpolate`: remove duplicated function and classes by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/267
* ✨ `interpolate`: stub `_dfitpack` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/270
* ✨ `spatial`: improve `_qhull` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/271
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete and improve `interpnd` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/272
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `_bsplines` and `_ndbspline` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/273
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `RBFInterpolator` and `Rbf` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/274
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `_fitpack_impl` (1/2) by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/275
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `_fitpack_impl` (2/2) by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/276
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `_fitpack2` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/277
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `_polyint` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/279
* ✨ `signal`: complete frequency response functions in `_filter_design` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/287
* 🎨 `sparse`: code cleanup by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/294
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete the `LinearOperator`s in `_interface` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/295
* 🎨 `sparse` explicit imports in `__init__` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/296
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete the matrix operation functions by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/298
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete the matrix norm functions by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/300
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete `LaplacianNd` & accept in dtypes in `LinearOperator` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/301
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete `_dsolve` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/302
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete `_eigen.arpack` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/303
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete `lobpcg` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/305
* ✨ `sparse.linalg`: complete `svds` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/306
* ✨ `sparse`: complete the sparse arrays and matrices by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/307
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `eye[_array]` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/309
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `identity` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/310
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `kron[sum]` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/311
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `{h,v}stack` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/313
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `[sp]diags[_array]` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/314
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `{load,save}_npz` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/315
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `_sputils.*` (private) by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/316
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `_spfuncs.*` (private) by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/317
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `find` and `tri{l,u}` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/318
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `rand[om[_array]]` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/319
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `bmat` and `block_{array,diag}` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/320
* ✨ `sparse`: adopt the new generic sparse arrays in `linalg` and `csgraph` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/321
* 🎨 `sparse`: various `linalg.LinearOperator` tweaks and improvements by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/322
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `linalg.ls{m,q}r` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/323
* ✨ `sparse`: complete `linalg._isolve.utils.*` (private) by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/324
* ✨ `sparse`: complete the remaining `sparse.linalg` functions by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/325
* ✨ `interpolate`: complete `_rgi` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/278
* 🐛 fix typing errors on `numpy<1.24` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/292
* ⬆️ bump `basedmypy` to `2.8.1` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/293
* 👽️ work around several `mypy` bugs with `numpy>=2.2.0` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/288
* 🌕 `interpolate`: mark as 100% annotated by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/280
* 📝 correct the documented lowest supported numpy version by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/281
* 📝 installation instructions for humans by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/282
* 🎤 add podcast to `README.md` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/299
* 📝 update the coverage progress for `scipy.sparse` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/304
* 📝 mention gitmoji in `CONTRIBUTING.md` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/308
* ⬆️ bump `basedpyright` to `1.22.1` and `basedmypy` to `2.8.0` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/255
* dynamic minimum requirements by miloth in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/259
* ⬆️ bump `ruff` to `0.8.2` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/265
* ⬆️ bump the dev deps by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/312
Other Changes
* 🧑💻 uv-compatible mypy vscode config by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/256
* 💡 add a comment to prevent breaking the `installation` permalink by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/266
* 🔧 fix caching issue in `poe {mypy,stubtest,typetest}` by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/269
* 🔧 stricter `basedpyright` config by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/283
* 👷 include `.mypyignore` in sdist build by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/284
* ➖ remove broken `mdformat-pyproject` by miloth in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/262
* 💚 towards fixing the `typetest-oldest-supported-numpy` CI job by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/289
* 👷 fix and simplify the CI workflow by jorenham in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/290
* Dynamic testing matrix for combinations of python and numpy versions. by wolph in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/286
New Contributors
* wolph made their first contribution in https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/pull/286
AI generated Podcast
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jorenham/scipy-stubs/compare/v1.14.1.5...v1.14.1.6