
Latest version: v0.23.0

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* Change return types for `[set/get/fade]_brightness`. They will no longer return `int`, always `List[int]`
* Clean up `fade_brightness` internal error handling
* `linux.XBacklight` now raises `ValueError` if no valid output is received from the command
* Remove deprecated module level variable `method`
* More improvements to the documentation building toolchain


* Simplify `windows.VCP.iter_physical_monitors` `start` kwarg logic
* Actually bump `` version info this time


* Add missing variable deceleration in `windows.get_display_info`
* Move version info to ``
* New documentation tool-chain
* Deprecate module level `method` variable


* Fix 13 where some laptop displays were being returned by `windows.VCP.iter_physical_monitors`
* `windows.VCP.iter_physical_monitors` will now only return handles for monitors with the `win32con.DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP` StateFlag (see [this comment]( for explanation)


* Merge PR 12


* Fix `linux.DDCUtil.set_brightness` expiring non-existent cache keys
* Refactor `linux.XRandr.get_display_info` and `linux.DDCUtil.get_display_info` to be more readable
* All calls to `ddcutil` executable now have stderr suppressed
* Minor optimizations and tweaks to reduce pylint warnings

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