
Latest version: v0.23.0

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* Fixed `get_brightness` attribute errors for Windows
* The Windows version will now set the brightness for ALL wmi brightness methods (not just the first one)
* If there are multiple brightness methods then `get_brightness` will return a list of brightness values
* Added a copy of the MIT license to the files



* Made some type conversions in `set_brightness` ever so slightly more reliable
* Added `max_value` kwarg to `get_brightness`
* Fixed a logic error in `get_brightness`
* Fixed rounding error in `get_brightness`

Patch 1:
* Removed debug print statements

Patch 2:
* Fixed not returning false upon failure on Windows
* If fade_brightness cannot set the brightness it exits the for loop


Added a new function called `fade_brightness` which does exactly what it says on the tin


Fixed package dependencies for Windows
Fixed set_brightness force and raw_value kwargs
Fixed some other small bugs


Fixed a bug in the get_brightness function and updated the version number

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