* Added single cell augmentation feature for scRNA-seq reference data.
* Implemented failure steps for handling irregular :math:`\theta` values after optimization.
* Added support for transferring cell type proportions based on PCA or UMAP embeddings of latent space, or directly on the original latent space in cell type proportion prediction using CVAE.
* Introduced caching in GLRM to accelerate computations by storing calculated likelihood values, reducing duplicate calculations. Note: This feature is disabled by default due to potential optimization failures caused by unknown reasons (`5 <https://github.com/az7jh2/SDePER/issues/5>`_).
**Bug Fixes**:
* Resolved issue with spot name inconsistencies when spots are filtered out if cell type proportions predicted by CVAE were used for :math:`\theta` initialization in GLRM modeling.
* Fixed bug causing errors when plotting CVAE loss during training in the absence of validation data.