* Introduced prediction of cell type proportions utilizing the CVAE latent space. Currently, the proportions are transferred from the scRNA-seq condition to the spatial condition in latent space. Then the predicted cell type proportions are used as initial value of :math:`\theta` for GLRM modeling (`13 <https://github.com/az7jh2/SDePER/issues/13>`_).
* Reused :math:`\theta` and :math:`e^{\alpha}` estimations from stage 1 of GLRM modeling for initializing stage 2 (`12 <https://github.com/az7jh2/SDePER/issues/12>`_).
* Increased the weight of spatial spots and scRNA-seq cells in CVAE training against generated pseudo-spots.
* Added support for retaining only highly variable genes in the spatial data. By default all genes are retained.
* SDePER options are written to a text file within the diagnosis folder, and only DE genes are retained in the CVAE-transformed data during saving if command-line option :option:`--redo_de` is ``true``.
* Decreased the default number of command-line option :option:`--n_pseudo_spot` to ``100,000``.
**Bug Fixes**:
* Resolved a bug where errors occurred during diagnostic UMAP drawing if only cell type markers were provided, and no scRNA-seq cells were available.