* Updated `archon` to [0.15.1](https://github.com/sdss/archon/releases/tag/0.15.1) to fix an issue in which a previously aborted exposure could affect the following one.
⚙️ Engineering
* Updated workflows and Dockerfile to use `uv` more efficiently.
🔥 Breaking changes
* Removed the now deprecated LN2 code.
✨ Improved
* Updated `archon` to 0.15.0 with a fix for `wait-for-idle`.
⚙️ Engineering
* Migrate to using `uv` for packaging. * Update workflows.
🚀 Added
* [25](https://github.com/sdss/lvmscp/pull/25) Added new command `get-etr` which returns the estimated remaining time for the exposure including readout.
🔥 Breaking changes
* Dropped support for Python 3.9.
✨ Improved
* Bumped `archon` to 0.14.0.
⚙️ Engineering
* Format code using `ruff`.
✨ Improved
* Cast NaNs in header to nulls.
🏷️ Changed
* Disable download of IERS tables. Updated `astropy-iers-data`.
✨ Improved
* [24](https://github.com/sdss/lvmscp/pull/24) Support `archon` 0.13.x.