🔥 Breaking changes
* [3](https://github.com/sdss/lvmscp/pull/3) Many changes, the main ones including:
* The `lvmscp` actor now inherits from `ArchonActor`. There is no archon actor anymore and archon is only used as a library. This is analogous to how [yao](https://github.com/sdss/yao) works.
* Removed the `Supervisor` class.
* `lvmscp` now has all the archon commands, including an updated `expose` command.
* General code clean-up, linting, testing, etc.
✨ Improved
* Reading sensor and system data is now done during integration using `ExposureDelegate.expose_cotasks()` instead of during readout, to avoid poetentially out of data information.
* Improved code to retrieve lamp status from the latest version of `lvmnps`.