- Update to custom datacube class implementation. Previous version
required a file within the mangadap/ directory structure; new code
allows for imports from a local user file.
- Deal with cubes where all the spaxels have valid data.
- Updates to `manga_dap_inspector` to use a cursor on the map selector
and a range slider for the vmin,vmax in the map.
- Refactor installation details inspired by `pypeit` package.
- Installation dependencies and setup moved into `setup.cfg`
- Versioning now done automatically
- Change scripting protocol
- tox testing CI
- Updated MANIFEST
- Major overhaul of how paths and output files are defined, needed to complete
abstraction and move away from MaNGA-specific code.
- Input paths and file names now defined as part of the DataCube subclass.
For MaNGA, this is done by subclassing the `MaNGADataCube` from the
`mangadap.config.manga.MaNGAConfig` class. For user-defined DataCube
subclasses, these paths can be defined directly.
- Output paths for primary output files now defined by the `AnalysisPlanSet`
object or a relevant subclass. For MaNGA, a subclass is necessary to put
all the files in a subdirectory using the plate and ifu, but likely most
other implementations can use `AnalysisPlanSet` directly. Reference file
names adjusted and defined by each main analysis class.
- Remove all instances of `numpy.float`, `numpy.int`, `numpy.bool`, given
impending numpy deprecation of these types.
- Added documentation for how to fit one spectrum and to fit a (non-MaNGA)
- Remove "filtered" fitting from pPXF module
- Major refactor of how module parameters are input and changed.
- Input analysis plan is now provided by a toml file.
- Module parameter definition classes all now have defaults. Altering any
of those defaults is done via the plan toml file.