- Directory restructuring: Removed "python" top-level directory and
moved "data" into "mangadap". This should make package distribution
via pip easier.
- Remove "default" prefix from methods in `mangadap.config.defaults`.
- Remove obsolete `dapsrc` keyword arguments
- Some general clean-up of commented code and docs.
- Import clean-up, including removal of any `from __future__` imports.
- Added `bin/dap_status` to check the status of a batch DAP run.
- `__credits__` now include all authors of the DAP papers
- Added new DataCube and RowStackedSpectra classes, beginning the
generalization of the interface with the input data for use with
non-MaNGA data.
- For instantiating a MaNGADataCube, changed from using a yanny par
file to a configuration (ini) file. Included code that can write
these files using data from the DRPall or DRPComplete files.
- Included a script that will download data into a new
`mangadap/data/remote` directory for testing. The directory is not
included in the repo and has been added to .gitignore to prevent it
from being accidentally added.
- Included a number of tests that use the new remote data. These will
be skipped if the remote data is not available.
- Significant improvements and testing of `mangadap.util.covariance`.
Ensuring that the correlation matrices provided by the DRP can be
read by `MaNGADataCube` and are effectively identical to the
calculation performed by `MaNGARSS`.
- Moved all core script code from `bin` to `mangadap/scripts`. Code in
`bin` now make simple calls to these scripts. Moved `rundap.py` from
`mangadap.survey` to `mangadap.scripts`.
- General clean-up of the executables in `bin`.
- Integrated use of `MaNGADataCube` instead of `DRPFits` when executing
the pipeline. Usage of `DRPFits` is now largely obsolete. Not
removed yet. Interface is still not abstracted enough for a general
`DataCube` (because of naming conventions), but getting there.
- Tests now include a nominal run of `manga_dap` using the `ALL`
binning scheme.
- Usage of `ObsInputPar` is now obsolete.
- Spectral resolution is no longer chosen by the spectral binning
module; instead the spectral resolution is selected when reading the
datacube (makes much more sense!). Led to some clean-up of the
binning config files.
- To select different spectral resolution extensions, use command-line
arguments in `rundap` or `write_dap_config`.
- Started doc edits.
- Example scripts now use `MaNGADataCube` instead of `DRPFits`, but
further clean-up of the `examples` directory is needed.
- Include a default analysis plan, so that executions of `manga_dap`
don't require an analysis plan yanny parameter file.
- Docstring updates for modules up through `StellarContinuumModel`, but
still lots to do.
- Consolidates the common functionality in `MaNGADataCube` and
`MaNGARSS` into a new, repurposed `DRPFits` base class.
- Global data from unique DAPTYPEs now put in separate extensions of
the DAPall file.
- Incorporate change from 'PREDISP' to 'LSFPRE' and 'DISP' to 'LSFPOST'
in the spectral resolution extensions produced by the DRP.
- Added DataCube metadata.
- Added Legendre polynomial fitter
- Added MaStar HC V2 library
- Include additional spectral index measurements and weights to use
when combining indices; leads to changes in MAPS data model.
- Updated versions of required packages, including incrementing version
dependency to ppxf==7.2.0; code still uses default `linear_method`
pending testing of `linear_method='lsqlin'`.
- Added photometry fix file; only adjusts 8083-12702 pending further
- Added redshift fixes for IC342, Coma, and globular cluster cubes.
- Fixed minor bug in coordinates used in HYB binning cases for some
DAPall calculations.