New Features
- Clip bases from the 5' and 3' ends of reads (`--clip-end5` and `--clip-end3`) to fix bias caused by alignment. Substitutions within several bases of the end of a read will be soft-clipped in local mode (`--bt2-local`), and indels are will be forbidden entirely (depending on `--bt2-gbar`). Consequently, such mutations will be dropped during alignment, and bases close to the ends of a read will only be matches, overall deflating the mutation rates (especially at the 5'/3' ends ends of reference sequences). To correct this bias, several bases can be clipped from the 5' and 3' ends of each read. By default, 4 bases are clipped from the 5' ends because that is the default of `--bt2-gbar`; and 6 bases are clipped from the 3' ends because random primers are typically hexamers (6 bases).
- Demultiplexed FASTQ files can now also be given as files, not just as directories.
- Paired-end FASTQ files can now also have labels `_1` and `_2`.
Interface Changes
- Rename the temporary from `temp` to `tmp` and rename all pertinent options (e.g. `--keep-temp` to `--keep-tmp`) to make it the same length as `out` and to avoid confusion with "temperature" (e.g. in `--fold-temp`).
Bug Fixes
- Fix bug causing datasets with zero reads and/or positions to crash during `cluster` and `table`.
- Fix bug with attributes during tabulation of joined clusters.
**Full Changelog**: