
Latest version: v0.21.1

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New Features

- Graph rolling signal-to-noise ratios (i.e. AC versus GU) for DMS data with `seismic graph snrroll` (only relevant for `relate-per-pos.csv` tables).

**Full Changelog**:


New Features

- Create rolling Gini coefficient graphs automatically via `seismic wf`.

**Full Changelog**:


New Features

- Graph the rolling Gini coefficient with `seismic graph giniroll`.

**Full Changelog**:


New Features

- Output graphs in SVG and PNG format in addition to CSV, HTML, and PDF.

Performance Enhancements

- `--quick-unbias` now ignores stretches of positions with below-threshold mutation rates, which can cause large speedups on samples with very low mutation rates (e.g. DMS-untreated samples).

**Full Changelog**:


New Features

- `fold`, `graph roc`, and `graph aucroll` now allow specifying sections independently from those used for `mask`, making it easier and less confusing to use structure prediction. Also, they accept a new `--fold-full/--fold-table` option to control whether they use the full reference (default) or the section from the table, if no sections were explicitly specified.
- `mask` now allows choosing whether to drop (default) or keep paired-end reads with discontiguous mates (although discontiguous mates are still incompatible with observer bias correction).
- `cluster` now accepts masked datasets that have been processed with `join` in addition to straight from `mask`.

Performance Enhancements

- Observer bias correction now offers a quick approximate algorithm that typically scales linearly (rather than cubicly) with the sequence length, which greatly speeds up `cluster` and `table`, especially for long sequences. The original algorithm is still available with the flag `--exact-unbias`.
- Calculating coverage during the `mask` and `table` steps uses a new algorithm that runs faster and requires less memory.
- Many options and report fields have been retitled to hopefully make them more self-explanatory.
- Error messages now include the full traceback in double verbose mode (`-vv`), otherwise just the error message itself.

Bug Fixes

- Previously, `join` would ignore section boundaries, yielding incorrect results if the sections overlapped. This issue has been fixed, and join now behaves correctly for overlapping and non-overlapping sections.
- `wf` now generates ROC and rolling AUC plots for the same sections that were folded, rather than looking for the wrong (possibly nonexistant) sections if the sections were not explicitly specified.
- Subprocesses now use the same logging configuration as the parent process, rather than using the default Python logging configuration.

What's Changed
* 0.16.0 by matthewfallan in

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Bug Fixes

- Corrected an error preventing masked positions in a table from being inferred.

**Full Changelog**:

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