
Latest version: v2.1.0

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- 146 Stickers to PDF and new sticker 2"x1" (50.8mm x 25.4mm) with barcode 3of9
- 152 Caching to make productivity/management reports to load faster


- 150 Dynamic loading of allowed transitions in lists
- 145 Workflow refactoring: prepublish
- 144 Workflow refactoring: publish


- 154 AttributeError on upgrade step v1705: getDepartmentUID
- 151 State titles not displayed in listings
- 149 Decimal point not visible after edition
- 143 Fix AttributeError 'getProvince' and 'getDistrict' in Analysis Requests view
- 142 AttributeError on publish: 'getDigest'
- 141 AttributeError on upgrade.v3_2_0_1705: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'aq_parent' (2017-06-21)


- 133 Multiple use of instrument control in Worksheets


- 139 Reference migration fails in 1705 upgrade
- 138 Error on publishing when contact's full name is empty
- 137 IndexError while notifying rejection: list index out of range
- 136 Worksheets number not working in Dashboard
- 135 Fix string formatting error in UIDReferenceField
- 132 ValueError in worksheets list. No JSON object could be decoded
- 131 "Show more" is missing on verified worksheets listing
- 129 Unsupported operand type in Samples view (2017-06-12)


- 128 TypeError in Analysis Request' manage results view: object of type 'Missing.Value' has no len()
- 127 AttributeError while copying Service: 'float' object has no attribute 'split'
- 126 AttributeError during results publish: getObject
- 123 Analysis Request state inconsistences after upgrade step v3.2.0.1705
- 122 ValueError on results file import (2017-06-08)


- 120 Add a field in Bika Setup to set the default Number of ARs to add
- 88 GeneXpert Results import interface
- 85 Sticker for batch
- 84 Sticker for worksheet
- 83 Adapter to make the generation of custom IDs easier
- 82 Added a method the get always the client in stickers
- 75 Wildcards on searching lists


- 106 Predigest publish data
- 103 Prevent the creation of multiple attachment objects on results import
- 101 Performance improvement. Remove Html Field from AR Report
- 100 Performance improvement. Replacement of FileField by BlobField
- 97 Performance improvement. Removal of versionable content types
- 95 Performance improvement. Analysis structure and relationship with Analysis Service refactored
- 58 Defaulting client contact in Analysis Request Add view


- 118 Results import throwing an error
- 117 Results publishing not working
- 113 Biohazard symbol blocks the sticker making it impossible to be read
- 111 Fix error while submitting reference analyses
- 109 Remarks in analyses (manage results) are not displayed
- 105 System doesn't save AR when selected analyses are from a department to which current user has no privileges
- 104 ReferenceException while creating Analysis Request: invalid target UID
- 99 Instrument's getReferenceAnalyses. bika.lims.instrument_qc_failures_viewlet fails
- 94 Site Search no longer searching Analysis Requests
- 93 Analyses did not get reindexed after recalculating results during import
- 92 Analyses disappearing on sorting by date verified
- 91 KeyError on Samples view: 'getSamplingDate'
- 90 AttributeError on Analysis Request submission: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getDepartment'
- 89 Analysis to be verified not showing results
- 87 AttributeError in analyses list: 'getNumberOfVerifications'
- 82 JS error while checking for rejection reasons in client view
- 80 CatalogError: Unknown sort_on index (Priority)
- 79 ValueError in Bika's DateTimeWidget
- 78 CatalogError in Batch View. Unknown sort_on index (BatchID)
- 77 ValueError in AR Add: time data '2016-05-10' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
- 76 AttributeError in Client ARs view: bika_catalog
- 74 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getCalculation'
- 73 Analyses disappearing on sorting by date verified
- 72 Cancelled analyses appearing in aggregated list of analyses
- 71 AttributeError on publish: 'getRequestID'
- 70 The number of pending verifications displayed in analyses list is wrong
- 69 Selecting a sticker template in AR's sticker preview does nothing
- 68 Error while listing analyses in Analysis Request details view
- 67 Show more button is not working in Analysis Services list
- 66 TypeError in Worksheets view. TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
- 65 Fix error when an object has no status defined while listing in WS
- 64 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getInstrumentEntryOfResults
- 63 If login failed, setDepartmentCookies throws an IndexError
- 61 Show more button is not working in Worksheet's Add Analyses view
- 60 Index Error in Analysis Request Add view
- 59 AttributeError (NoneType) in service.getInstruments()
- 57 Select all departments option is not working
- 56 Client and District not sortable in Analysis Requests listing
- 52 System throwing error on opening "Verified" folder (2017-03-30)


- 39 Performance improvement. Make use of brains in Worksheets lists
- 32 Performance improvement. Catalog for analyses and make use of brains


- 48 Error on AR publish. Global name 'traceback' is not defined (getServiceUsingQuery)
- 47 Error in CloneAR during retraction. AttributeError: setRequestID
- 46 Error rejecting an Analysis Request
- 45 CatalogError in Dashboard. Unknown sort_on index (created) in view.get_sections()
- 44 AttributeError in worksheets view
- 43 Sort not working on all lists
- 41 No Service found for UID None
- 40 Client Sample ID is missing in Analysis Request Add view (2017-03-20)


- 33 New Analysis Request Add form outside client


- 37 Publish results throwing an error
- 36 System is not printing labels automatically
- 35 Equipment interface is not working
- 34 Results import submission error (2017-03-08)


- 25 Instrument import without user intervention
- 22 Date Tested range filter on lists
- 20 Added filter bar in Aggregated list of analyses
- HEALTH-364: Added country/province/district columns to client listings
- Add buttons to export lists to csv and xml formats
- Additional "printed" workflow for analysis requests once published


- 12 Multi-method assignment and Virtual-Real Instrument correspondence
- 11 Restrictions in manual instrument import - Instruments and interfaces
- 10 Performance improvement. Catalog for Analysis Requests and use of brains


- 26 Publishing bug due to SMTP Authentication
- 24 Condition rule being affected on duplicate samples
- 23 Date of Birth: crash if date is before 1900
- 21 Rejection option does not appear if only one column in AR Add form
- 19 Inconsistent status of Analysis in WS after AR rejection
- 13 Number of verifications no longer taking effect
- HEALTH-568: TaqMan 96 interface not working well
- HEALTH-567: Nuclisens interface not working well (2017-01-17)

- LIMS-2477: Reference Analysis has no dependencies; remove guard that assumes it does
- LIMS-2465: Not possible to translate Bika Listing Table Workflow Action Buttons
- LIMS-1391: Add configurable identifier types (CAS for AnalysisService)
- LIMS-2466: Central Instrument Location Management
- LIMS-2357: Custom Landing Page and Link to switch between the Front Page and Dashboard
- LIMS-2341: Cleanup and format default Multi-AR COA
- LIMS-2455: Contact/Login Linkage Behavior
- LIMS-2456: Restrict duplicate slots in worksheet templates to routine analyses only.
- LIMS-2447: getDatePublished index not indexed correctly at time of AR publication
- LIMS-2404: AR list in batches permitted sampling without Sampler and Sampling date provided
- LIMS-2380: ARs are created in correct order (order of columns in ar-create form)
- LIMS-2394: Calculation failure in worksheets. TDS Calc misfires again.
- LIMS-2391: Use source analysis's sample ID in duplicate analysis IDs
- LIMS-2351: Field analyses without results do not prevent Samples from being received
- LIMS-2366: Workflow. AR stays in Received state with all Analyses in To be Verifie
- LIMS-2384: ARImport: Workflow state of imported ARs and their Analyses not synchronised.
- LIMS-2369: Workflow. Sampler and Date Sampled should be compulsory
- LIMS-2355: Unable to view dormant/active filters in some bika_setup pages
- LIMS-2344: Fix some UI javascript failures when viewing ARs
- LIMS-2319: AR Add: Deleting a selected CC Contact corrupts the UID of reference widgets
- LIMS-2325: Allow SampleTypes to be linked with Client Sample Points
- LIMS-2324: WS export to the LaChat Quick Chem FIA
- LIMS-2298: Add filter in Clients list
- LIMS-2299: Add ui for editing ar_count in all analysisrequest lists
- LIMS-2268: Instrument Interface. Vista Pro Simultaneous ICP, bi-directional CSV
- LIMS-2261: Cannot create analysis request
- LIMS-1562: Using a Sample Round. Basic form and printed form
- LIMS-2266: Crating partitions through Add form, doesn't create partitions.
- HEALTH-394: Sample sticker layout. 2 new sticker layouts, 2 stickers per row
- LIMS-2032: AS Methods initialise with 1st available Instrument (loading setup data)
- LIMS-2014: I can only select a Default Method for an AS if Manual results capture is on
- LIMS-2181: An analysis is not stopped from using an invalid instrument
- HEALTH-310: Implemented Nuclisens EasyQ instrument importer
- HEALTH-319: Instrument. Roche Cobas Taqman 96
- LIMS-2091: Table Column Display options Everywhere
- LIMS-2207: Indentation in
- LIMS-2208: WinescanCSVParser class instance variable misspelling
- LIMS-1832: New Results Template, COA. Multiple ARs in columns
- LIMS-2148: Unable to sort Bika Listing tables
- LIMS-1774: Shiny graphs for result ranges
- Replacement of pagination by 'Show more' in tables makes the app faster
- Add Bika LIMS TAL report reference in reports preview
- Simplify instrument interface creation for basic CSV files
- Scheduled sampling functionality added
- LIMS-2257: Scheduled sampling
- LIMS-2255: Switch to Chameleon ( for rendering TAL templates
- System-wide filter by department
- Allow to assign a lab contact to more than one department
- Multi-verification of analyses, with different verification types
- Add option to allow multi-approval (multi-verification) of results
- Added Analyses section in the Dashboard
- Add option to allow labman to self-verify analysis results
- Replacement of pagination by 'Show more' in tables makes the app faster
- Add Bika LIMS TAL report reference in reports preview
- Simplify instrument interface creation for basic CSV files



- Added two checboxes in BikaSetup > Security:
- Allow access to worksheets only to assigned analysts (Y/N)
- Only lab managers can create and amange new worksheets (Y/N)


The 3036 upgrade sets the above options to true by default, so after
being upgraded, only the labmanagers will be able to manage WS and the
analysts will only have access to the worksheets to which they are
assigned. These defaults can be changed in BikaSetup > Security.



- LIMS-2299: Add ui for editing ar_count in all analysisrequest lists
- Removed commented HTML that was causing Chameleon to choke when adding ARs.



- HEALTH-569 Bar code printing not working on sample registration
- Pinned CairoSVG to 1.0.20 (support for Python 2 removed in later versions)



- LIMS-2252: Partitions not submitted when creating AR if the form is submitted before partitions are calculated
- LIMS-2223: Saving a recordswidget as hidden fails
- LIMS-2225: Formatted results not displayed properly in Worksheet's transposed layout
- LIMS-2001: Duplicate for one analysis only
- LIMS-1809: Typos. Perdiod an missing spaces
- LIMS-2221: Decimal mark doesn't work in Sci Notation
- LIMS-2219: Using a SciNotation diferent from 'aE+b / aE-b' throws an error
- LIMS-2220: Raw display of exponential notations in results manage views
- LIMS-2216: Results below LDL are not displayed in reports
- LIMS-2217: Specifications are not set in analyses on Analysis Request creation
- LIMS-2218: Result is replaced by min or max specs when "<Min" or ">Max" fields are used
- LIMS-2215: Decimal mark not working
- LIMS-2203: 'Comma' as decimal mark doesnt work
- LIMS-2212: Sampling round- Sampling round templates show all system analysis request templates
- LIMS-2209: error in manage analyises
- LIMS-1917: Inconsistencies related to significant digits in uncertainties
- LIMS-2015: Column spacing on Client look-up
- LIMS-1807: Validation for Start Date - End date relationship while creating invoices and price lists
- LIMS-1991: Sort Order for Analysis Categories and Services
- LIMS-1521: Date verified column for AR lists
- LIMS-2194: Error when submitting a result
- LIMS-2169: Cannot start instance
- WINE-125: Client users receive unauthorized when viewing some published ARs



- Updated Plone to 4.3.7
- Dashboard: replace multi-bar charts by stacked-bar charts
- LIMS-2177: template_set error when no template has been selected
- HEALTH-410: AR Create. Auto-complete Contact field if only 1
- LIMS-2175: "NaN" is shown automatically for result fields that have AS with "LDL" enabled and then an error is shown after submitting a result
- LIMS-1917: Inconsistencies related to significant digits in uncertainties
- LIMS-2143: Statements vs Invoices
- LIMS-1989: Retracting a published AR fails if one or more ASs has been retracted before publishing
- LIMS-2071: Can't generate Invoice Batch/Monthly Statements
- WINE-71: Instrument. BBK WS export to FIA fails
- WINE-72: Instrument. BBK WineScan Auto Import fails
- WINE-58: Instrument. BBK FIAStar import fails
- WINE-76: WineScan FT120 Import warnings incorrect?
- LIMS-1906: Spaces should be stripped out of the keywords coming from the Instrument
- LIMS-2117: Analysis Categories don't expand on Analysis Specification creation
- LIMS-1933: Regression: Selecting secondary AR in client batches, fails.
- LIMS-2075: Ensure hiding of pricing information when disabled in site-setup
- LIMS-2081: AR Batch Import WorkflowException after edit
- LIMS-2106: Attribute error when creating AR inside batch with no client.
- LIMS-2080: Correctly interpret default (empty) values in ARImport CSV file
- LIMS-2115: Error rises when saving a Calculation
- LIMS-2116: JSONAPI throws an UnicodeDecodeError
- LIMS-2114: AR Import with Profiles, no Analyses are created
- LIMS-2132: Reference Analyses got the same ID
- LIMS-2133: Once in a while, specs var is going empty in results reports
- LIMS-2136: Site Error on AR Verification
- LIMS-2121: Fix possible Horiba ICP csv handling errors
- LIMS-2042: Improving Horiba ICP to avoid Element Symbols as keywords
- LIMS-2123: Analysis Categories don't expand in Worksheet Templates
- LIMS-1993: Existing Sample look-up for AR Create in Batch does not work
- LIMS-2124: QR missing on sticker preview
- LIMS-2147: Add ARImport schema fields when creating ARs
- LIMS-409: ShowPrices setting was getting ignored in some contexts
- LIMS-2062: Cancelled ARs no longer appear in analysisrequest folder listings
- LIMS-2076: Cancelled batches appear in listing views
- LIMS-2154: Hide inactive ARs from BatchBook view
- LIMS-2134: Inactive services appear in AR Create
- LIMS-2139: WS Blank and Control Selection renderes whole page
- LIMS-2156: Ignore blank index values when calculating ReferenceAnalysesGroupID
- LIMS-2157: Cancelled ARs appear in AR listing inside Batches
- LIMS-2042: Horiba ICP: Missing 'DefaultResult' for imported rows
- LIMS-2030: Assign ARs in alphabetical ID order to WS
- LIMS-2167: Cannot assign a QC analysis to an invalid instrument
- LIMS-2067: Prevent initial method/instrument query for each analysis
- WINE-82: Ignore invalid entry in Sample field during AR creation
- LIMS-1717: Workflow transitions in edit context do not take effect
- WINE-111: Do not attempt formatting of 'nan' analysis result values
- WINE-114: Some users cannot view published ARs (unauthorised)
- WINE-122: Transposed worksheet layout failed while rendering empty slots
- LIMS-2149: Missing analyses can cause error accessing worksheet
- LIMS-1521: Date verified column for AR lists
- LIMS-2015: Column spacing on Client look-up
- LIMS-1807: Validation for Start Date - End Date relationship

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