
Latest version: v2.1.0

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Not secure

- Removed invoice line item descriptions from core code to allow skin integration
- Create dummy titration values for analyses imported from instrument
- More language translations


Not secure

- Statements renamed to Invoices
- Jobcards renamed to Worksheets
- New identification fields added to analysis request
- Client Reference, Sample Type and Sample Point
- Welcome page introduced
- Late analyses list linked from late analyses portlet
- Icon changes
- Accreditation body logo and details added to laboratory info
- Accreditation logo, disclaimers added throughout web site
- Laboratory confidence level value data driven from laboratory info
- Analyses methods provided as pop-up where analyses are listed
- Titration factors and titration volumes added to analyses and worksheets
- Measure of uncertainties introduced per analysis and intercept
- Two new specialist roles created - verifier and publisher
- Sample test data load script -
- Implement generic instrument data import tool
- Login portlet added
- Modifications required to support interlab
- Permit analysis parent (sample) to be in 'released' state.
- Reference SampleID on AnalysisRequest-
- 1566324: Logged in page redirected to welcome page.
- 1573299: LiveSearch - Added permissions to InvoiceLineItem.
- 1573083: Status Drop Down - Invoicing
- 1551957: Contacts not visible to other contacts. Correct local owner role
- 1566334: position of 'add new ar' button changed to conform to other forms
- 1532008: query results sort order most recent first
- 1532770: Order default listing correction
- 1558458: Member discount data driven in messages on AR forms
- 1538354: SubTotal and VAT calculation on edit AR
- 1532796: AR edit - allow change of contact




- 440 ITopLeft, ITopRight and ITopWide hooks (placeholders) in bikalisting
- 472 Dashboard panels visibility by roles
- 467 All/Mine filters in Dashboard panels
- 423 Instrument import interface for Abbott's m2000 Real Time


- 469 Remove unique field validator for Batch titles
- 459 PR-1942 Feature/instrument certification interval refactoring
- 431 Make ARAnalysesField setter to accept Analysis/Service objects


- 494 Rejection reasons widget does not appear on rejection
- 492 Fix AR Add Form: CC Contacts not set on Contact Change
- 489 Worksheet Templates selection list is empty in Worksheets view
- 490 Fix AR Add Form: No specifications found if a sample type was set
- 475 Assigning Analyses to a WS raises AttributeError
- 466 UnicodeDecodeError if unicode characters are entered into the title field
- 453 Sample points do not show the referenced sample types in view
- 470 Sort order of Analyses in WS print view wrong
- 457 Calculation referring to additional python module not triggered
- 459 Traceback in Instruments list after adding a calibration certificate
- 454 Click on some analyses pops up a new page instead of object log
- 452 Traceback error when deleting attachment from Analysis Request
- 450 Traceback after clicking "Manage Results" in a WS w/o Analyses assigned
- 445 Fix AR Add Form: No sample points are found if a sample type was set




- 377 XML importer in Instrument Interface of Nuclisense EasyQ


- 417 Remove calls to deprecated function getService (from AbstractAnalysis)


- 439 Cannot verify calculated analyses when retracted dependencies
- 432 Wrong indentation of services in Worksheet
- 436 Auto Import View has an Add Button displayed, but shouldn't
- 436 Clicking on the Add Button of Instrument Certifications opens an arbitrary Add form
- 433 Analyses not sorted by sortkey in Analysis Request' manage analyses view
- 428 AR Publication from Client Listing does not work
- 425 AR Listing View: Analysis profiles rendering error
- 429 Fix worksheet switch to transposed layout raises an Error
- 420 Searches by term with custom indexes do not work in clients folder view
- 410 Unable to select or deselect columns to be displayed in lists
- 409 In Add Analyses view, analyses id are displayed instead of Analysis Request IDs
- 378 Fix GeneXpert interface does not import results for multiple analyses
- 416 Fix inconsistencies with sorting criterias in lists
- 418 LabClerks don't have access to AR view after received and before verified
- 415 Referencefield JS UID check: Don't remove Profile UIDs
- 411 Analyses don't get selected when copying an Analysis Request without profiles




- 390 Remove log verbosity of UIDReference.get when value is None or empty


- 403 Calculations not triggered in manage results view
- 402 Sort Analysis Services correctly based on their Sortkey + Title (Again)
- 398 PR-2315 ID Server does not find the next correct sequence after flushing the number generator
- 399 PR-2318 AR Add fails silently if e.g. the ID of the AR was already taken
- 400 PR-2319 AR Add fails if an Analysis Category was disabled
- 401 PR-2321 AR Add Copy of multiple ARs from different clients raises a Traceback in the background
- 397 Fix Issue-396: AttributeError: uid_catalog on AR publication




- 386 PR-2297 Added seeding function to IDServer
- 372 Added build system to project root
- 345 'SearchableText' field and adapter in Batches
- 344 PR-2294 Allow year in any portal type's ID format string
- 344 PR-2210 ID Server and bika setup updates along with migation step
- 321 PR-2158 Multiple stickers printing in lists
- 319 PR-2112 Laboratory Supervisor
- 317 Enable backreferences associated to UIDReference fields
- 315 PR-1942 Instrument Certification Interval
- 292 PR-2125 Added descriptions for Analysis Requests
- 291 PR-1972 Landscape Layout for Reports
- 286 Added Github Issue/PR Template
- 281 PR-2269 Show the Unit in Manage Analyses View
- 279 Allow external Python library functions to be used in Calculation Formulas
- 279 Calculation formula test widgets
- 279 PR-2154 New ar add form


- 385 PR-2309 Unnecessary loops were done in instrument listing views
- 369 Let DateTimeField setter accept datetime.datetime objects and convert them
- 362 Add "Methods" column and hide unused columns in Analysis Services list
- 353 Remove deprecation warnings
- 338 Preserve Analysis Request order when adding into Worksheet
- 338 Analyses sorted by priority in Add Analyses view
- 333 Display analyses sorted by sortkey in results report
- 331 Sort analyses lists by sortkey as default
- 321 Sticker's autoprint generates PDF instead of browser's print dialog
- 312 Worksheet: "Print" does not display/print partial results
- 306 PR-2077 Better usability of Clients lists for sites with many users
- 298 PR-2246 Implemented ProxyField to fix data duplication between ARs and Samples


- 419 'getLastVerificator' function of Abstract Analyses fails when there is no Verificator.
- 388 Unable to get the portal object when digesting/creating results report
- 387 ClientWorkflowAction object has no attribute 'portal_url' when publishing multiple ARs
- 386 PR-2313 UniqueFieldValidator: Encode value to utf-8 before passing it to the catalog
- 386 PR-2312 IDServer: Fixed default split length value
- 386 PR-2311 Fix ID Server to handle a flushed storage or existing IDs with the same prefix
- 385 PR-2309 Some objects were missed in instrument listing views
- 384 PR-2306 Do not use localized dates for control chart as it breaks the controlchart.js datetime parser
- 382 PR-2305 TypeError in Analysis Specification category expansion
- 380 PR-2303 UnicodeDecodeError if title field validator
- 379 Missing "Instrument-Import-Interface" relationship
- 375 Dependencies error in Manage Analyses view
- 371 Reflex rules don't have 'inactive_state' values set
- 365 LIMS installation fails during setting client permissions in bika_setup
- 364 Error on Manage Results view while adding new Analyses from different Category
- 363 PR-2293 Add CCEmails to recipients for Analysis Request publication reports
- 352 Traceback on listings where objects follow the bika_inactive_workflow
- 323 Allow IDServer to correctly allocate IDs for new attachments (add Attachment to portal_catalog)
- 344 PR-2273. Ensure no counters in the number generator before initialising id server
- 343 PR-2281 Fix publication preferences for CC Contacts
- 340 TypeError: "Can't pickle objects in acquisition wrappers" (Calculation)
- 339 Index not found warnings in bika listing
- 337 Error when adding reference analysis in a Worksheet
- 336 Accreditation Portlet renders an error message for anonymous users
- 335 The Lab Name is always set to "Laboratory" after reinstallation
- 334 TypeError (setRequestId, unexpected keyword argument) on AR Creation
- 330 Show action buttons when sorting by column in listings
- 318 PR-2205 Conditional Email Notification on Analysis Request retract
- 316 Small fixes related with i18n domain in Worksheet's print fixtures
- 314 'SamplingDate' and 'DateSampled' fields of AR and Sample objects don't behave properly
- 313 The PDF generated for stickers doesn't have the right page dimensions
- 311 PR-1931 Fixed Link User to Contact: LDAP Users not found
- 309 PR-2233 Infinite Recursion on Report Publication.
- 309 PR-2130 Copied ARs are created in random order.
- 308 Analysis Service' interim fields not shown
- 307 Fix sorting of Analysis Services list and disable manual sorting
- 304 PR-2081 Fixed multiple partition creation from ARTemplate
- 304 PR-2080 Batch Book raises an Error if the Batch inherits from 2 ARs
- 304 PR-2053 Computed Sample Field "SampleTypeUID" does not check if a SampleType is set
- 304 PR-2017 Fixed BatchID getter
- 304 PR-1946 Showing Verified Worksheets under all
- 299 PR-1931 Fixed Link User to Contact: LDAP Users not found
- 298 PR-1932 AttributeError: 'bika_setup' on login on a new Plone site w/o bika.lims installed
- 297 PR-2102 Inline rendered attachments are not displayed in rendered PDF
- 296 PR-2093 Sort order in Bika Setup Listings
- 294 PR-2016 Convert UDL and LDL values to string before copy
- 293 Fix analysis_workflow permissions for Field Analysis Results
- 284 PR-1917 Solved WF Translation issues and fixed WF Action Buttons in Bika Listings
- 283 PR-2252 Traceback if the title contains braces on content creation
- 282 PR-2266 Instrument Calibration Table fixes
- 280 PR-2271 Setting 2 or more CCContacts in AR view produces a Traceback on Save

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