The big change here is that I removed the configuration file support. I'm moving everything to use environment variables.
There's various reasons for this but it essentially boils down to the fact that Docker Swarm makes it *much* easier to deploy
updates to environment variables and the 12-factor app (https://12factor.net) recommends it and has solid reasons.
That said, here are the things you'll need to do to upgrade:
1 - Deploy your apps with the new standard set of environent variables:
* API_TOKEN: The internal API token for intra-service communication
* SECRET_KEY: The secret key used by flask for encryption of cookies
* SEPIIDA_JWT_KEY: The JWT key used to sign JWTs
* SERVER_NAME: The value passed to flask for the SERVER_NAME parameter
* STORAGE_SERVICE: https://woodhouse.authentise.com
* TRUSTED_DOMAINS: The list of domains that get CORS support and can receive the API_TOKEN
* USER_SERVICE: https://users.authentise.com
2 - Remove your configuration and configuration_spec fixtures. Fix your tests to stop relying on them
3 - Add a settings_spec fixture that returns your apps environment variable specification, if any
4 - Update sepiida.session.register_session_handler to only pass in the app and an optional whitelist. Stop passing in the pao_root or internal_domains parameter which are now handled by the environment variables USER_SERVICE and TRUSTED_DOMAINS respectively